3.5L Oil Pressure Sensor Location | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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3.5L Oil Pressure Sensor Location


New Member
June 24, 2015
Reaction score
Chino, California
Year, Model & Trim Level
2014 Explorer Sport
Searched and searched and couldn't find an exact match for location on the oil pressure sensor in a 2014 Explorer Sport (3.5L V6). The service manual literally just says, "near the oil filter" with no pictures. So anyway, here it is.

I was getting the dreaded low oil pressure warning on the dash. Typically while sitting at idle at a stoplight. In traffic, it would literally alarm every time I stopped. Oil levels are fine. Before assuming something was wrong with the pump I figured I would replace the sensor. The dealer said a minimum of $175 to diagnose and, even if it was just the sensor, another $150-$250 to replace. Well...I don't have a disposable income so screw that. Local shop said they'd do it without diagnosing for $150. Still a bit steep in my opinion considering I found a compatible oil pressure sensor at Autozone for $5.

Long story shorter, I bought the part, pulled out a deep 13/16" deep socket and a 3/8" drive wrench with a shorter handle and got to work. AND HERE'S SOME PICS! lol

Looking from the floor up (after removing the engine air duct), it's up in here about 6" above the oil filter.

Ahhh...there it is:

The plastic release for it was on the top...of course. This took a little work to get my hand above it to push down on the release and pull it out at the same time but, as they say, patience is a virtue.

Getting it out was easy enough but I had to use a shorter handled socket wrench and get it all the way up in past the oil filter and turn it from inside versus from below but it came out like a charm, dropped a few splashes of oil as expected, and the new one went in just as easy.

...been driving on it for a few days and no alarms!!!

Nice to know where it is. Did you have an oil leak above that area at one time?

@Adrian Gitch There was definitely more oil on everything than I would expect. Hard to tell if it was leaking from the bad oil pressure sensor or...
I got it in 2016 and I've had half a dozen issues with it ranging from a cracked turbo to leaking AC. No oil in the driveway so no major concern. Yet.
