302/ZF5/BW1356 Swap in a 93 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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302/ZF5/BW1356 Swap in a 93


Explorer Addict
May 2, 2004
Reaction score
City, State
Monroe, GA
Year, Model & Trim Level
'93 Sport & '96 XLT
Ok, I've been planning on swapping in a 302 into my truck soon after the axle swap is done. I've seen how expensive it is for the Advance Adapters parts to use with my truck, and wanted to find a way around spending 500+ dollars on adapters, so I figured I'd see if a 302 could be used (with the trans and t-case) from a ~92 F150. I know that there could possibly be a problem with clearance, but other than that, it seems like it would work as good or better than any other 302 setup. I believe that AudioDude (or something like that) was doing a similar swap in his Explorer with an F150 setup, but he never really finished saying how the swap was going. :(

After seeing my friends '92 F150, and seeing how nice of a setup he had (302, ZF5 manual 5 speed, and manual BW1356) I feel that this year range/model would be a perfect candidate for a donor truck for the swap. :) I believe the F150 would be OBD I, so if that's true, I obviously wouldn't need to convert from OBD I to II, like I would with a newer Mustang or Explorer motor. Also, I'd run the motor mostly stock for a while, so it'd have a cam that would suit my truck more than the mustang cam would. The best part about using the F150 setup is that I could use the ZF5 5 speed manual transmission (I have a manual now, and want to stick with a manual) instead of the T5 transmission. I don't like the T5 because it has an even higher first gear than my M5OD-R1 (M5OD-R1 = 3.4 I think). The ZF5 has a 5._ (or lower) first gear IIRC so it's nice and low! Also, I wouldn't have to worry about buying the AA adapter to allow a t-case to be bolted up to the transmission (like I would with a T5), b/c I could simply use the Borg Warner 1356 that comes on the back of the 4x4 F150's of that year range. When I feel that I am knowledgeable enough, and more importantly my wallet ;) is ready for the motor swap, I plan on buying a donor truck and pulling the motor, transmission, transfer case, wiring, etc and putting it all in my truck.

So I was wondering if some of you guys see anything wrong with this. Are there any more problems I'd run into with this setup over another 302? I realize that I might have some clearance problems with the gas tank,etc but that shouldn't be too big of a problem. Also, I know I'll have to do some things with the A/C, etc so that I can complete the swap without a BL. So far it seems like a really nice, strong setup that would be great in my truck. Any opinions (good or bad) are appreciated.

EDIT: Oh and by the way, I will have some more experience with engine swaps toward Christmas time. In my auto class, my teacher has already told me that he thinks I'm one of the smarter kids (I feel so special :D) in the class and he wants me to be one of about 2-3 kids to complete the 383 swap into the '73 Camaro. It still needs to be wired up, etc, and I know it will be much different than a motor swap in an Explorer, but hey...it's still experience with an engine swap. :)

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I think it would be a really good swap and the ZF is one heckuva fine offroad type tranny. Overdrive and granny low all in one strong unit. Only problem i see right off the bat is the truck intake. The truck upper is really really tall and will probably come through the hood. No biggie, just use a different intake like off of a crown vic or something. Keep us updated. :thumbsup:

Thanks, there are several Crown Vics at local pick and pulls so I'm sure I could find a nice an upper intake from there for pretty cheap. My friend with that 92 just recently moved to Augusta, so he's about 2 hours away from me now. Whenever he comes back over this way, I'll probably meet up with him and I can take some measurements off of his, as well as get a better look at it all. Once I get the axle swap done (slowly, but it's happening) I will definitely get a donor truck to start tearing apart and parting out (what little that will be left of it). Then I will keep everyone updated on it. Thanks again James. :)

EDIT: I thought the same thing about the tranny. I really want to get some measurements of it all, but I am confused by why all of these people with 302s and manual transmissions are going with the T5. Is there really that much of a difference in length of it all?

Well, I won't be buying a donor truck for this. I'm now going to be using a NV3550 from a 2000-2004 Heep Wrangler. It's a 5spd, shifts more like a car (smooth), has a pretty low first gear (not the 5.72 of the ZF S5-47, but it is 4.1 which is obviously better than the 3.4 I've got now). The ZF S5-47 is an awesome tranny, but has two things I dislike about it. 1. It doesn't shift as smooth as the NV3550 (after driving my truck with worn out synchros/gears, I'm about sick of having a transmission that doesn't shift smoothly) 2. No hurst shifter available for it. The NV3550 has one available for it for $170 bucks regular price. There is even a Klune V made for this tranny = I can have some crazy low gearing. :D

For the motor, I'll most likely be using an 88 Stang 302 with a bit of mods and it's still got the entire wiring harness attached. It's got the computer and all out of it...everything was just unscrewed from the firewall instead of being unplugged :thumbsup: The best part of it is that the owner of it is a guy that I work with. He had it in his 88 Mustang GT and then after he totalled it, pulled it all out...it's only got 49,000 miles on it. :cool: And he's selling it to me for only 300 bucks!!!!

For the transfer case, I can get a BW1356 out of my buddy's 92 F150 for 100 bucks. Just needs a new shift fork (pretty cheap). I doubt it'd bolt up to the NV3550 though, so I'm gonna start searching on what t-cases will bolt up to it.

But it looks like after I finish this axle swap and get my 35 spline, I will start collecting parts for another swap. :D

too bad.... i always wanted to see how a ZF would fit under the floor boards of an explorer... u know with some minor case clearanceing on a ZF a NP205 bolts rite up eh?... last i looked a 203/205 doubler was a lil cheaper then a klune but i dont keep up with most of the prices these day's...

i always dreaded the day i would have to swap a 302 into my explorer... till i bumped into a mechanic who's now a good wheelin buddy... run's a 350hp mildly built 429 in his 78 bronco on propane... i have wheeled with him several times.... i think when i get the 302 rebuilt and ready to go it's gunna be BBQ powerd... way less wire's and run 11.5-1 compression all day long.... just need to keep it cool... oh and propane is emission's exempt in alot of area's... :D

bmxking5 said:
Ok, I've been planning on swapping in a 302 into my truck soon after the axle swap is done. I've seen how expensive it is for the Advance Adapters parts to use with my truck, and wanted to find a way around spending 500+ dollars on adapters, so I figured I'd see if a 302 could be used (with the trans and t-case) from a ~92 F150. I know that there could possibly be a problem with clearance, but other than that, it seems like it would work as good or better than any other 302 setup. I believe that AudioDude (or something like that) was doing a similar swap in his Explorer with an F150 setup, but he never really finished saying how the swap was going. :(


Yeah, the tranny from an F150 should fit. I managed to fit a C6 easily, and I was using a 1356 T-case. I had to notch the frame a little bit to fit the case, but it was no big deal. I never finished the swap though. I had it all together and ready, but found the tranny I had in the truck was toast. So I got another C6, and I never got around to putting it in. I pulled the motor the other day, and I am putting it in my thunderbird. I may just put the 4.0 back in, or rebuild the police interceptor 302 that I have in my garage.

What about using the M5OD from another F-150 with a 302 in it????The explorer already has one in like you said. Would this work?????????

Im sure it would work, you just wouldnt have the granny low of the ZF.

Any update on this?

Hey. I know it's been about a decade. What motor mounts did you use for your 302 swap? I've only been finding RWD only.

Hey. I know it's been about a decade. What motor mounts did you use for your 302 swap? I've only been finding RWD only.
Best thing to do is start a new thread, there's mounts for 4 wheel drive.
