347 RE-Power 1996 Limited AWD | Page 13 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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347 RE-Power 1996 Limited AWD

As things are getting closer and closer thought I would update.

Started late last year, reading posts and asking questions. I decided to go ahead to drop in a built 347 into my 1996 explorer which has over 300,000km (almost 190,000 miles) on it. The truck still runs great BTW, and has been in the family since new and its been in my hands since last Oct.

First impulse was a cheap 1996 complete 1996 5.0L Explorer motor on fleabay. Shipped it to the engine builder to use as a donor.

It is a 347 built by Fordstrokers with a custom cam from Camshaft Innovations.

- Scat rotating assembly
- Mahle pistons
-Trick flow fast as cast 190cc heads
- comp gold rockers
- trick flow Track Heat intake.
- Torque Monster Headers built with the correct exhaust flange.

Other items of note
- 1" phenolic spacer
- 70mm accufab throttle body with modified throttle arm
- 30lb injectors
- 255lbs/hr fuel pump
- re-use the explorer intake elbow 70mm dia.
- black trick flow valve covers
- utilize some of my MAC intake

Supporting items
- 75mm Prom M MAF (Henson Performance)
- Wideband 02 sensor (Henson Performance)
- tuning (Henson)

Other to-do's
- exhaust will be re-done from the headers to cat back with mandrel bent tubing and new cats. Larger mandrel bent intake tubing to match larger diameter of MAF and TB.

This motor is being bolted to a Lentech 4R70W with 2600RPM 11.5" stall converter.

I'd like to thank many people for advice and tips but especially Don - CDW6212R for pointing me in the right direction with Fordstrokers and equally important was providing me with a custom made 28oz balancer with the explorer timing ring machined and pinned on there.

2010man for selling me his 1994 Mustang Cobra OEM crank pulley. This part is not made by ford anymore and has the same diameter of the explorer pulley but bolts to the custom 28oz balancer that Don sent me.

Also Turdle and tmsoko for answering some questions.

here it is at the engine builder

here it is at my shop, patiently waiting. mocked up driver's side header and intake.

Here is a used 70mm accufab throttle body next to a stock explorer 65mm TB. I modified the arm on the TB to match the location of the stock explorer linkage so both the throttle and cruise cables/linkages with match up.

I will post more updates as they come.:thumbsup:

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We had a look at these when we visited Orlando in November... want one in the worst way but the UK won't get them

Lovely looking vehicle


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You can't modify the **** out of something and have trouble free daily driver type characteristics

I call BS
88 Bronco II modified the S&*t out of it...........most reliable most capable toughest truck back here, starts runs drives never asks for anything, nothing on the truck is stock except for the dash pad
I guess it depends on who's doing the building and what parts are chosen :)

I call BS
88 Bronco II modified the S&*t out of it...........most reliable most capable toughest truck back here, starts runs drives never asks for anything, nothing on the truck is stock except for the dash pad
I guess it depends on who's doing the building and what parts are chosen :)

fair enough, it’s like the saying “your results may vary”.

Aint that the truth!
This BII was my test mule, it took quite a few setups to get her to be this reliable and capable.....now I could duplicate it easily and for about 1/8th the cost it took me to get here :)

Ditto, I beat the snot out of my vehicles for mail delivery, but they are more reliable than my coworkers, who all have stock later stuff. I just replace and upgrade as I see the need, and it works. My SPORT UTV will be reliable as I have it planned, with 500+hp. We'll see how the AWD and front axles/CV like that.

Troll already proved the AWD t case can handle some abuse.....for a while HAHAHAHAHA
Mail delivery is about the toughest race course you can put on of these rigs on.........

Troll already proved the AWD t case can handle some abuse.....for a while HAHAHAHAHA
Mail delivery is about the toughest race course you can put on of these rigs on.........

Yeah, I have had my right rear tire spin on my latest 98(177k miles), so the rear LS is worn out for sure. It only happens when the front tire is also on gravel etc, so it's an unusual feeling to spin a tire with AWD. I know one front is spinning too then, I just can't feel it.

What happened to Troll anyway? He never posted on the Explorer forums that I saw, and beyond about 2004 nothing seemed to come of his truck. Did he take it apart and restore it to near stock etc? I'd hoped to see any pictures of the headers, and other exhaust etc, but nothing turned up.

last I saw they made an aluminum intercooled intake dealio for that truck to squeeze more power, and then I heard something about it became a daily driver for one of the girls in the family? I am not sure...2004 was 16 years ago now can you believe it!!
Stuff legends are made of....I will never forget the video, people in the crowd are like what the heck is an explorer doing up there? and then it pulls a 10.5 in the quarter mile :) Jaws dropped

I will never forget the video, people in the crowd are like what the heck is an explorer doing up there? and then it pulls a 10.5 in the quarter mile :) Jaws dropped

trolls and clownz were both before my time. old mod svo found that video for me once, and the guy hit the brakes before the end of the 1/4. if you have that video, or know where it is, let me know

yeah because it you go under 11 they require roll cage, battery switch and all that stuff. During the video the truck had two 15" subwoofers in the back was AWD and still did 10.5 in the 1/4 with the brakes on!
Don't hate the player, hate the game!!

yeah because it you go under 11 they require roll cage, battery switch and all that stuff. During the video the truck had two 15" subwoofers in the back was AWD and still did 10.5 in the 1/4 with the brakes on!
Don't hate the player, hate the game!!

is it 11's or 10's? doesnt matter. a 2nd gen in the 11's is nuts even by todays standards. hell, im still having a hard time breaking the 12's!

brad, if you are still checking in on your old thread, motor and trans are still in my truck. i still have the shell of your truck. still to this day i cant bring myself to shred it. some parts went on my truck, so parts i sold to some members on here, and the drivers fender is on my sons 2000 sport that i think he never wants to part with now lol

I have no idea............... I'm going off my memory of events from years ago..........not exactly reliable intel
They proved a Fast explorer is not out of reach that is for sure
I have always wanted to build an AWD fox body stang thanks to Trolls old truck....maybe I will get a chance up here in Idaho...custom stuff for sure!

Hey man, glad to hear some of my old explorer lives on.

this is my current Ford Fleet. My van is on its winter tire/wheel set up. Summer I run chrome rims with BFG AT’s

