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3rd brake light

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I started to take mine off, but... it was just a big PITA.... I put it back in and masked everything around it off................. this is about your tint project, right?

[same thing with the tails, even though they're easily removable..]

DO ittt!

hey thanks. I found out how to do it.... I just disconnected one side of the hatch glass, un screwd the bolts and it popped right off.

Ohh.. I never thought to take the window off... lmao.. I'm so lazy..

You need to take the plastic off the gate. After doing that, you will see a black, rectangular, rubber cover. Pull it off using your fingers and a screw driver. Removed the two nuts and the wiring harness.

Does anyone here know how to remove the 3rd brake light? I was looking at it earlier and it doesn't look like there is screws anywhere. Does it just pop off? thanks,

try realbrightleds.com
I got one of these and it was fantastic. came with very easy to follow instructions.

