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Photos 3rd gen pic's

that is one sick explorer man

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thanks brother

Having a little fun with the new tires..






dang richman your stuffing those tires ... what setup are you running?

dang richman your stuffing those tires ... what setup are you running?

Haha, I know I'm looking into getting a lift pretty soon. I'm running 265/75/16 tires and 16x8 wheels

Got the body lift done now:

Dont know why it looks small in this pic maybe its the angle or the fact i still need wheel and tires but anyways still 5.5"!!!

Gamecooks, those tires look like 235s! Nice looking ex.
I would've done the 3 inch bodylift aswell if the rear bumper flip didn't look like hell lol, do you have any pictures of the rear?

Thanks man! Haha yeah they look little but it bugs me more how far inside the fenderwells the stock wheels sit. I dint even flip the bumper/hitch just trimmed the bumper cover, and im figure something out for the big gap thats there now, maybe one of those gap guards... hell idk

Yeah I know what you mean with the stock rims. Mine are -6 offset and with 3.5inches of lift, they don't seem to stick out as much as stock height. And you didn't flip it? Now I'd really like to see a picture of it haha


Looking pretty good there, I can't see much of a gap at all.

Looks good gamecocks!

When I went to the 3" lift I put the bumper cover back on without the hitch for a few days until I could figure something out on how to fix that.

There is a way to move the hitch back up without flipping it and have it be very strong. thanks to BigOne65 for the idea.

I am still out of town so can't do pics for another week, but I'll try and describe it.

Basically the hitch slides over the frame...the hitch brackets are C-shaped. Well what you need to do is cut the bottom horizontal part of each "C" out. what that will do is let you move the hitch 3" up off the frame and re-mount.

Of course the holes won't line up anymore, so you need to make some simple brackets out of 7" x 7" 1/4" steel plate and drill it for holes.

Only the top 2 holes on the hitch will be used on each side...and you can use new bolts thru those holes and drill holes thru the plate and bolt them down.

Then with that done, you mount the hitch up to the frame using the factory bolts and 3 more holes drilled in the plate to allow the factory bolts to pass thru.

Hardest part is making sure all the measurements are good and marking the plates in the right place. Other than that it's just a matter of drilling thru the metal plate. Better to make the bolt holes the same size as the ones in the hitch...lets you shift it around a bit before tightening down so you can get everything lined up right.

It's very strong and I like being able to sit or stand on my bumper again without worrying about if its going to cave in lol.

Dosent look too bad. Is that your trailer wiring harness going into the hatch? Why didn't you just leave it attached to the bumper?

Ronin: :thumbsup: thats the main reason i left it in the original location, i planned on making "brackets" thanks for giving me a good base to start 'em!

Kazer: I tried to flip it, so i had to take the wiring off, but the holes weren't lining up so I just said screw it I'll make brackets and just leave it like it is. Lol

Why wouldn't the flip work? I remember a few people ran into that problem about 3 years ago. My class 2 worked fine and when I put the class 3 on there it went on smooth as well.

Ronin: :thumbsup: thats the main reason i left it in the original location, i planned on making "brackets" thanks for giving me a good base to start 'em!

Kazer: I tried to flip it, so i had to take the wiring off, but the holes weren't lining up so I just said screw it I'll make brackets and just leave it like it is. Lol

right on :thumbsup: I'll take some pics next weekend when I get home and post them here.

auburnfan: my hitch/bumper brackets have a SLIGHT angle on them so when i flipped it the holes we a little off and the shop I was doing the job at has limited tools, the only drill they have is a weak ass air drill that cant go through a 2x4 LOL

:thumbsup: ronin

came home from Vegas to this on my doorstep

what an @$$hole to throw all that loctite at your door haha jk nice ... one day ill get one ... ONE DAY ... still too concerned with the exterior too much lol

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Thats a nice little gift for the X... by the way how was the trip to Vegas... ill be moving out that way at the end of the summer...
No more back roads in the mountains for me...all desert dust headed my way
