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Photos 3rd gen pic's

You should paint the outer lip red it'd be subtle, but it'd look damn good

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Something to this affect...?


I try to do what I can around here lol

If anyone plans mods and would like to see them in photoshop first, let me know and i will do my best.

This is my 300th post and 291 of them in the last four months :D

Im probably going to hit you up for that at some point, and nice..ive been posting alot here lately too.

that would look awesome teejay!

Yeah I have it's on the list just not near the top at moment lol
I think if you do pin stripe on wheels and getnblack billet grille and do like pin line on it. Like skip have first billet line black and second red. Just two lines one on the top of the grill and one on the bottom. Would look cool if you skiped frist line black and second red on the top and same thing on the bottom of the grille. You know what i mean?

Yeah i know what you mean, def not a bad idea I was also thinking about taking hole saw bits, cutting holes in the grill and putting lights there

Yeah i know what you mean, def not a bad idea I was also thinking about taking hole saw bits, cutting holes in the grill and putting lights there

Pain in the ass. Just get led strip and ghost it.


...Thats what I want to do right there, Once I get the billet ill start on it (the stock grill) . If I screw up oh well I have a billet!


...Thats what I want to do right there, Once I get the billet ill start on it (the stock grill) . If I screw up oh well I have a billet!

Looks cool. R u planning to do that with mesh or with billet?

The plan is to convert my stock grill over to mesh like Nharris did then put the lights in. And if nots so hard ill do it to the billet.

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The plan is to convert my stock grill over to mesh like Nharris did then put the lights in. And if nots so hard ill do it to the billet.

My opinion is mesh looks good only on small openings. On large grill they look weird. Unless you put huge lights in there.
