4.0 engine cart or cradle | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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4.0 engine cart or cradle


"I'm counting to 3, then I'm getting your dad."
Elite Explorer
March 16, 2013
Reaction score
City, State
Woodstock, GA
Year, Model & Trim Level
04 Ford Explorer 4.6l
I’m going to have a donor 4.0 real soon and need a way to store it. I’ve searched and I’m not finding any prefabbed carts that fit it.

For the most part, it’ll set in one spot in my garage, but I’d like to be able to move it.

Anyone know of a cart I can purchase?
What have you done otherwise?


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I’m going to have a donor 4.0 real soon and need a way to store it. I’ve searched and I’m not finding any prefabbed carts that fit it.

For the most part, it’ll set in one spot in my garage, but I’d like to be able to move it.

Anyone know of a cart I can purchase?
What have you done otherwise?
A harbor freight engine stand imo

I’m going to have a donor 4.0 real soon and need a way to store it. I’ve searched and I’m not finding any prefabbed carts that fit it.

For the most part, it’ll set in one spot in my garage, but I’d like to be able to move it.

Anyone know of a cart I can purchase?
What have you done otherwise?

View attachment 342802
I would like to know where all expert like you get the donor engine from? Rebuild, refurbished or junkyard?

I would like to know where all expert like you get the donor engine from? Rebuild, refurbished or junkyard?
My wife wrecked her ‘05 Explorer with just 133k on it and a rebuilt trans.
I bought a 2005 Limited with only 150k and a wonky trans for 2k. So I’m putting her 133k engine and rebuilt trans into the “new” Explorer and will have a 4.0 with only 150k on it that will be a backup to two of my Explorers.


I use the $12 harbor freight dollies and add a little wood on them to set the oil pan right on them to move them around. Have one with a v10 on it right now in the shop

I use the $12 harbor freight dollies and add a little wood on them to set the oil pan right on them to move them around. Have one with a v10 on it right now in the shop
I have a few of these, but was concerned about it setting on the pan.

I have a few of these, but was concerned about it setting on the pan.
It'll be just fine. You can always put a rubber floor mat under it or remove the pan (makes a mess if not in a catch)
