4.0 OHV SWAP, Old Engine Intake has 2 fuel lines, new engine intake has only one? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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4.0 OHV SWAP, Old Engine Intake has 2 fuel lines, new engine intake has only one?


February 23, 2011
Reaction score
City, State
Bradenton, FL
Year, Model & Trim Level
97 XLT
I doing an engine swap on a 1998 Explorer 4.0 OHV V6.

The engine I got from the salvage yard ( maybe from a 1999) has only one fuel line going to the lower intake on the right front.

The engine I removed has 2 fuel lines going to the lower intake, one on the right front and another on the left rear.

Is there a work around or should I swap the lower intakes?


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Use your old fuel rail and manifold. Ford switched to an returnless fuel system. Otherwise, you need the wiring harness and ECU from the newer truck.

Use your old fuel rail and manifold. Ford switched to an returnless fuel system. Otherwise, you need the wiring harness and ECU from the newer truck.

Can I just swap the fuel rail instead of the whole lower intake manifold?

the upper and lower didn't change?
