4.0 Sohc V6 Supercharger | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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4.0 Sohc V6 Supercharger

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looks interesting

I have heard of the company before, I think they were the ones trying to revolutionize the electric supercharger...

They could have at least shown a picture of it installed on a SOHC. :confused:

Here is some info on that company's OHV kit.

i know that guy i have see him in person a bunch of times at my shop getting exhaust and he is also at the waterjet machine making parts all the time too.

so its a supercharger for under 2 grand? what kinda hp gains?

i am shure it makes over 40 more to the tire. it is not a bad deal if all the parts are nice. then all you need is tunning.

4.0 supercharger


Does anyone have any info on this or the company that's selling them?

Hello there I am new to this site and as a member, but there is guy in Canada, Ontario that has supercharger kits for the ford V6. Try looking up Tom Morana he has built my v6 SOHC 1998 Explorer and had made 295HP to the wheels. He has the kit complete kits to just the parts needed. Look at his web for info.

Hello there I am new to this site and as a member, but there is guy in Canada, Ontario that has supercharger kits for the ford V6. Try looking up Tom Morana he has built my v6 SOHC 1998 Explorer and had made 295HP to the wheels. He has the kit complete kits to just the parts needed. Look at his web for info.

That guy does some pretty shoddy supercharger work from what I have seen. I would recommend against using him for supercharger kits or manifolds for your Explorer or Ranger. he may have made a few kits that work but I hear his fitment has been horrific in certain kits.... To the point of being completely unuseable. You may also want to take notice of the date of this thread. :D
