4/01/06 Celly's 1999 "The Eddie" | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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4/01/06 Celly's 1999 "The Eddie"


Moderator Emeritus
May 3, 2003
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City, State
Smithville/Austin, Tx
Year, Model & Trim Level
08' Suzuki SX4
The Eddie


This Registry is a huge work in progress. Haven't had time to take a lot of great photos, and I'm actually waiting a bit until this first wave of mods taper off. :confused:

The "Did the deed" thread, 11/21/05 :thumbsup:

Things I've done so far
-Street Scenes Speed Grille and lower insert installed (was on the Sport)
-Energy Suspension poly front swar bar bushings/endlinks (were on Sport briefly).
-Diamond Cut corners and headlights (scored from Dirty Dog, still have a set of corners in reserve).
-Silver Stars in the headlights, silver frosted bulbs in the rest (then replaced, see way below).
-Volant intake from the Sport, ASMI intake tube (painted first), hightempsilicone couplers/t-bolts. Vintage "5.0" emblem replaced "Volant" badge. I have a very sweet looking and peforming intake system now. (updated 12/21/05)
-Flo-Pro dual in, single out muffler, 2.5" pipes from cats back, 3" rolled SS tip (very mellow sound and noticeable peformance diff).
-C&L MAF body, stock electronics.
-ditched the oversized front bug guard the previous owner had on there.
-removed the OEM roof rack cross bars.
-Oil change (Mobil 1) and rad flush day of pick up from car lot.
-tranny flush, filled with Amsoil ATF (transfer case too), 01/07/06
-swapped out "Mr Alternator" 200 amp and Optima Red Top from Sport
-installed "plain" billet battery hold down, scored on eBay.
-Installed "Limited" rims scored from Dirty Dog (w/ Michelin Latitude Ice tires)
-new Pioneer 8600 head unit.
-cleaned IAC and MAF
-can of Seafoam in the gas, followed by a can via the brake booster, 12/24 (SMOKE SHOW!)
-rubber floor mats for winter (Ford OEM via eBay)
-shorty antenna via eBay. Looks way better.
-Pioneer XM tuner and antenna (from Sport)
-Viper security (installed 12/1/05).
-SCT XC2 flasher returned from bama. After some tweaking, I have a 91 Performance, 91 Torque and 87 Performance tune at my disposal (updated 12/21/05)
-Dead Link Removed installed 12/23. SWEET shox. Cushy but firm at the same time. Also got the EE rear awaybar put on at the same time. What a transformation.
-one coat of VHT Night Shades on tails, many coast of clear coat, left the amber this time. Looks sweet. (updated 12/31/05).
-reinstalled Fosgate Amp to power Hertz 10" sub (in small sub box, eventually going in side pocket), scored another Fosgate 2 channel amp to power front speakers ("free", used gift cert given to me from work for "Futureshop"), installed as well, 12/26.
-reinstalled Alpine R type speakers in the front, scored some S-type for the rear. Dead easy with the Ford adapter my father in law brought up from the US (via Crutchfield), 12/29/05
-AVS vent visors, front and rear.
-white OEM gauge overlays and red needles that were on the Sport installed 01/07/06 (originally from an '03 Sport via a boneyard).
-got alignment 1/31/06, perfect shape according to shop.
-flushed and filled brake fluid with Valvoline Synpower synthetic brake fluid (1/31/06)
-flushed and filled power steering fluid with Valvoline Synpower synthetic (1/27/06)
-installed Samsung handsfree unit for phone, mounted on Arkon gooseneck mount, also installed Wilson glass mount phone antenna (was on Sport).
-installed Mustang "Bullitt" fuel door 02/02/06, hand polished it later.
-Amsoil Series 2000 0/30 oil/EA filter went in, 02/03/06
-Amsoil Severe Gear gear oil, front and rear went in at same time.
-scored a ported and polished OEM TB on eBay, 02/03/06
-scored a Dead Link Removed, 02/16/06 from xenondepot.com, arrived 2/23/06, VERY NICE. Whiter than stock (and Silver Stars) and MUCH brighter.
-installed ported/polished OEM TB scored from eBay seller 02/23/06
-installed Autovation pedals, "5.0L" version, 3/1/06
-installed EE front airdam scored via eBay. Fit the Eddie perfectly and was the right colour (EB Harvest Gold) :thumbsup: , 3/2/06
-installed "Luminics" 2500K H1 bulbs in the fogs, 3/6/06
-removed tinted tails and did the "candy apple mod" to another set (no tint). I prefer it to the tinted ones on the green Ex. (3/15/06)
-installed Benevento sunroof visor. Definitely makes things quieter in the cab when sunroof open at highway speeds. Not sure about the look. Another "function over form" mod. 3/18/06
-replaced filter that came with my Volant with a "Green" equivalent (brand name, but also the colour!). Supposed to be of superior construction, better flow and less liklihood of oil on the MAF, 3/27/06.

Future mods/stuff to do:
-reinstall Hertz 10" sub into side pocket (scored a used sub box for the interim).
-Torque Monster headers. Got the video CD and install instructions. Now I just have to budget for them!
-Powerslot rotors/Hawk pads (I had these for a few months on the Sport and loved them. I'm sure the new owner is as well).

Later Update

Went by the used car dealer to pick up some stuff I left in the Sport. It made me a bit melancholy to see my beloved Sport sitting there, covered with a light dusting of snow. I wrote on the windshield:

"This car rocks! Buy me!"

See ya old friend. Hope to see you out there soon on the road.

(Update, 12/21, salesman who sold me the Ex told me a young couple scored my Sport and are very happy with it, especially the condition it was in)

Background, 2000 Sport (previous registry)

This was my trade-in on the Eddie. I loved the Sport model (the '00 was my 3rd, also had a '97 and a '93). This was by far my fave. Traded in mostly because 4 door made more sense with my son. Also because I got such a great deal on the Eddie. I loved the SOHC in the Sport, but the 5.0 is that much better.

As featured in November 2004 (much changed afterwards, this site is a curse!).

Dead Link Removed

-Medium Wedgewood Blue.
-pretty much loaded except moonroof, leather and limited slip rear-end.
-Purchased used in May '01, only 13,000 km. Supposedly driven by Ford employee before that.
-replaced a Contour SVT which was getting too beat up on backcountry gravel roads getting to mountainbike trailheads.
-have also owned a '93 Sport and leased a '97.
-2000 has been very reliable. Needed the timing chain warranty work done, needed some work done on front brakes been great since.
-Michelin LTX M/S tires replaced the Wilderness A/T as part of the infamous recall a few years back.
-other toys that go on and off include Yakima roof rack (bike and ski attachments) and Thule hitch-rack (bikes)
-had rear wiper motor replaced under extended warranty, not much better than original (need to "push start" it get to work)
-has been fed a steady diet of Mobil 1 5/30 for a while now (since changed over to Amsoil in the crankcase, tranny, differentials and transfer case in November 2005).

Dead Link Removed

Mods done BEFORE I found this site:
-Pioneer Premier HU
-JL Audio 6X8 (front/rear), now have Alpine R type up front instead.
-10" Hertz Sub, dual 4 ohm (formerly had an Alpine S series followed by R series) sub powered by basic Rockford Fosgate single channel amp, small ported box (since housed in Q-Logic stealth mount in rear side pocket).
-"Euro-style" antenna (whatever that means)
-vent visors (I don't care if they aren't "cool", they work)
-Samsung handsfree unit
-Wilson external cell phone antenna, magnet mount (since changed to glass mount)
-Silverstar headlight/fog bulbs

Dead Link Removed

Mods AFTER I found this site (in no particular order):
-SCT XCalibrator2 flasher, programmed by BamaChips (91 Performance/91 Torque/87 Performance, also had a few "mileage" files emailed to me later which are quite good). Flasher replaced an "Apten" (SCT) chip.
-Mr. Alternator 200 amp alternator, powdercoated red (scored from "Dirty Dog" who got it from "BBQ Hotdogs").
-Ford Racing 70mm throttle body (as for the 4.6L V8 a la Mustang, a direct bolt-on to the SOHC 4.0L)
-did the TPS mod to 0.96V. No clue if it made a difference as I also set up my idle correctly, replaced the IAC and Seafoam'd my Ex at the same time. Ex runs MUCH better after all these.
-Volant intake (replaced a MAC which was pretty nice, but Volant is a step up).


-Flowmaster SUV 50 Series muffler (replaced a very ricey sounding Magnaflow unit), aluminized 2.5" piping, 3" rolled SS tip, Pro-Flo resonator (17", 2.5" core), installed later to quieten things up a bit.
-EE rear swaybar, poly bushings
-Monroe Reflex shocks
-Energy Suspension poly sway bar bushings/endlinks (front)
-4-leaf rear springs from a '96 4-door.
-Powerslot rotors (front and rear), Hawk pads
-Diamond Cut headlights (thanks to Marc aka "Draft" for coordinating the group buy).
-Diamond Cut corners (via eBay) w/superlumination.com silver tinted amber bulbs. (also scored a backup set of the lights and corners from Dirty Dog)
-VHT tinted tails, Testors "Candy Apple" mod
-tinted rear pop-up windows (20% to match OEM tinting on rear windows).
-tinted front side windows (35%)
-white face gauges/silver radio bezel/silver HVAC controls from '02 Sport
-UPR billet HVAC knobs
-UPR billet tilt lever
-Autovation pedals
-Pioneer XM tuner
-Street Scenes Speed Grille, upper and lower (great deal on brand new set on eBay)
-Ford OEM rear spoiler, painted stock colour.
-Mustang "Bullitt" fuel door
-B-Quiet "Extreme" sound deadener here and there.
-Optima Red Top 34/78 battery.
-NGK Iridium plugs
-Aurora sparkplug wires (nice stuff from place in Abbotsford, BC)

Dead Link Removed

Mods that intrigue me
-aftermarket wheels, nothing too bling (Monmix has the right idea)

Dead Link Removed

Mods that don't

Dead Link Removed

Recent photo (April 2005), after Diamond Cut corners (scored through "Revotec" on eBay), and Street Scenes Speed Grille upper and lower (another great score via eBay) installed. I've since removed the OEM emblem and replaced with Grille Ware billet version (not pictured):



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Congrats!!! Very nice truck.

congrats celly :thumbsup: :chug:

congrats celly u gotta tell me more about about the Bullitt Mustang fuel door

Very cool. I didn't expect this. Now 2 for 2 with my last 2 Explorers. :D Thanks!

re: Mustang fuel door, what do you need to know cybergasm?

Celly ,your white face instrument panel is in KLM,i have not been able to find them anywhere ,do you recall where you got them?
Very nice Truck btw. thanks

millsy said:
Celly ,your white face instrument panel is in KLM,i have not been able to find them anywhere ,do you recall where you got them?
Very nice Truck btw. thanks

The white face gauges faces are genuine OEM Ford. You can get them off any Sport/Sport Trac from 2001 onwards. :thumbsup:

Unfortunately, they don't sell the gauge face overlays. I scored a whole cluster from a boneyard and then just transferred the overlays, gear indicator and red needles from the cluster to the stock unit. You can actually swap out the cluster itself, but then you have to worry about matching your odometer's mileage. The replacement cluster has more km on it than my existing cluster, so I'll swap it out some day. That way you'll get an odeometer with black numbers on a white background instead of white on black like I have now.
