4.6l tune benefits? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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4.6l tune benefits?

Post number 5 has been selected as best answered.


Explorer Addict
March 24, 2008
Reaction score
City, State
Anchorage, AK
Year, Model & Trim Level
2008 White Limited V8
Hey bud,

Looking at getting one of brennspeeds custom explorer tunes, as they seem like the experts. If you have had a tune done what are your thoughts about your purchase? I know it's not going to magically make a ton of more power or anything, more curious about driveability improvements and maybe helping to get rid of that god damn 2-1 downshift clunk lol. On my 03 4.6 a tune was my favorite mod, totally changed the truck for the better. Hoping on the 4th gen trucks it's a similar story.

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Hey bud,

Looking at getting one of brennspeeds custom explorer tunes, as they seem like the experts. If you have had a tune done what are your thoughts about your purchase? I know it's not going to magically make a ton of more power or anything, more curious about driveability improvements and maybe helping to get rid of that god damn 2-1 downshift clunk lol. On my 03 4.6 a tune was my favorite mod, totally changed the truck for the better. Hoping on the 4th gen trucks it's a similar story.
Im using a hypertech tuner on my 06 4,6 3v and gas mileage better, in city so far. Throttle response is much better.

i have not tuned yet as i need to get my dual exhaust built and installed as well as gears swapped, but ill be going with an SCT Xcal tuner with a custom tune from Torrie at Unleashed performance. Looking to increase throttle response and shift points. A tune on my 04 F150 was night and day difference as it totally eliminated the throttle lag.

I'm still trying to figure out which tuner to get, and from who. Brenspeed sounds good, but I'm still on the fence. It's not a small investment and I want to make the right decision.

I got an SCT X4 from Brenspeed and I can say without a doubt it made my 07 V8 Sport Trac a lot more fun.

I had recently added a K&N Intake and got a small, but noticeable, gain in MPG and some passing power and throttle response improvements. After doing the 87 tune, it was obvious that when people say throttle response is better, they mean it. Taking off quickly form a start is easy if you want it. If you take off more reasonably, then push it, it moves with gusto, shifts in a much more 'reasonable' manner, that is shift points have been changed, and I want to say to shift quality is better, but that might be in my head. Forced downshifts also come a little easier.

It was $399, but I was happy with it after driving for a couple hours.

I drove the tank near empty and put in 91 and changed to the 91 tune. Things got even more fun after that- a noticeable increase in power.

I also didn't just flog the poor truck, but cruised around to see how it did in normal driving and I think that normal, reasonable driving should see a small increase in MPG. More power all around meant it was even easier to pass and accelerate without pushing it hard enough to trigger a downshift or even Torque Converter unlock.

I know a lot of people on Sporttrac.org recommend Torrie's tunes from Unleashedtuning. I already had the X4 from Brenspeed or I might have gone that route.
I've seen negative reviews and sentiment about SCT, with a lot of people recommending HP Tuners instead. I know I wouldn't have considered it to due to cost - $399 for the tuner and 4 'credits' at $49 each (2 for the PCM and 2 for the TCM) would have been too much for me.

The initial load is annoyingly slow. It seems to take 10 or so minutes for the X4 to save the stock config. Moving from one tune to the other took maybe 3-4 minutes.

Check out lasota racing don lasota is one of the best he tune mine after installing the supercharger

i think the most important part about a tuner is looking at it as an investment for the future over a mod for one vehicle.... search around for one that has the option for a reflash and you can divorce it from one vehicle and marry it to the next one and even if the tune costs money your not out the price of the device.... pretty sure thats why hpp and sct are so popular
