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$400 for a GEM?

Thank you. :) I don't have any reason to not trust him; he first checked for bad connections, (in fact his first question was if I knew of any moisture issues), and when he decided that it was probably the GEM, he attempted to find a cheaper one on his own. What I would really like to find out is if another one would be compatible, as he naturally feels like he MUST use the exact number... I will certainly talk to him on Monday, but would like to be armed with some solid information first.
First thing is get the part #, and from there I'd check both local junkyard inventory for a '95 and also more distant that will pick and mail parts to you. Sometimes a Ford part # will change a little, most of the characters will be the same but towards the end, especially letters instead of number change but it is still compatible. Chancing something like this is best done with a GEM from a local junkyard since if nothing else, they are usually less than $60, and with the old one in hand you can compare the two.

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^ A body control computer, handles anything that uses momentary or timed activation, including many circuits running through the battery saver relay which can, as implied, cut power to save the battery. That relay is also not too uncommon to fail so I'd definitely try swapping a different relay into that position before buying a GEM.

Thanks, let's keep it dry!!

THANKS to all of you guys - I must find out now - WHAT'S A GEM????????????????????????????????????????????????????????
I live in a world of acronyms so I was thinking Good Exorcism Module judging from the description of the symptoms. Now I know.

THANKS to all of you guys - I must find out now - WHAT'S A GEM????????????????????????????????????????????????????????



This ∆∆∆∆

Thank you. :) I don't have any reason to not trust him; he first checked for bad connections, (in fact his first question was if I knew of any moisture issues), and when he decided that it was probably the GEM, he attempted to find a cheaper one on his own. What I would really like to find out is if another one would be compatible, as he naturally feels like he MUST use the exact number... I will certainly talk to him on Monday, but would like to be armed with some solid information first.
The number is kind of important because they have software in there to control functions. A V8 GEM may not have software to deal with the transfercase. A GEM from 1997 would probably not work well with 95-96 4wd (they did away with the center disconnect system and true 2wd mode). You may never get 4wd to work without doing some workarounds. It is a pretty complex vac release system, controlled by the GEM. I know the GEM could have neutral tow activated (probably changes one register).

Back then those units were not flashed, so the software is probably on a ROM and it is what it is.

I did a search on those GEMs, they are as rare as hens teeth :lol:. Some have 3 chips at the top left, some 2 some 1. Those were the SD cards of the day. Depending on the features in the car, they save a few bucks on hardware. A 2wd ranger with rollup windows will have one chip...

I was looking at forscan today and tested all the gem functions
it does tons of stuff windows.. locks..wipers..rear wipers ......ect
I also ran self test
You can get the as built data from ford and reprogram the gem With forscan

Maybe ill go to the junkyard for a spare gem

The number is kind of important because they have software in there to control functions. A V8 GEM may not have software to deal with the transfercase. A GEM from 1997 would probably not work well with 95-96 4wd (they did away with the center disconnect system and true 2wd mode). You may never get 4wd to work without doing some workarounds. It is a pretty complex vac release system, controlled by the GEM. I know the GEM could have neutral tow activated (probably changes one register).

Back then those units were not flashed, so the software is probably on a ROM and it is what it is.

I did a search on those GEMs, they are as rare as hens teeth :lol:. Some have 3 chips at the top left, some 2 some 1. Those were the SD cards of the day. Depending on the features in the car, they save a few bucks on hardware. A 2wd ranger with rollup windows will have one chip...
Thanks for both of your comments! If I were to find a '96, what features would it need to have in common with the '95? It sounds like the most important ones would be 4wd, power windows and locks, and a factory alarm... Correct? Anything else? How would that reflect on the part number? I may have to bite the bullet and pay for "right" one. Kinda sucks, but I think it's perfectly normal for newer vehicles... 🙄

I was looking at forscan today and tested all the gem functions
it does tons of stuff windows.. locks..wipers..rear wipers ......ect
I also ran self test
You can get the as built data from ford and reprogram the gem With forscan

Maybe ill go to the junkyard for a spare gem
There is a self test runs thru all the functions. I actually found that my N position wasn't grounding and allowing 4low.

I am in tech, you can actually sniff the codes sent for every function that you activate with Forscan. It wouldn't be that hard to create an Android app to control the car. It would be theoretically possible to set a clutch lockup %age on the transfercase, show a graph when it activates or even write your own strategy to control it(I don't know the data rate thru the interface). For example, A door lock switch is directly connected to the GEM, but you can also issue a command to lock doors for testing. Today this is pretty much on every new car, a switch press places a command on the bus.

That was pretty sophisticated for the early 90s. Almost like an Arduino today. I think there are relays controlling everything so it can put out low current.

Thanks for both of your comments! If I were to find a '96, what features would it need to have in common with the '95? It sounds like the most important ones would be 4wd, power windows and locks, and a factory alarm... Correct? Anything else? How would that reflect on the part number? I may have to bite the bullet and pay for "right" one. Kinda sucks, but I think it's perfectly normal for newer vehicles... 🙄
95 is very close to 96. It is hard to say honestly. Maybe the 95 clutch in the transfercase had a different activation strategy (probably not, who knows). Likely it would work. 95 wiring diagrams are harder to find, there could be a wire or two off(maybe). I would try to find the highest option trim level ... that will most likely have everything. A 97 would be out of the question though.

95 is very close to 96. It is hard to say honestly. Maybe the 95 clutch in the transfercase had a different activation strategy (probably not, who knows). Likely it would work. 95 wiring diagrams are harder to find, there could be a wire or two off(maybe). I would try to find the highest option trim level ... that will most likely have everything. A 97 would be out of the question though.

/\ Yeah....here's one listed as COMPATIBLE for both years 95/96 and on sticker it shows 4WD.
Thank you so much! Just bought it. 😁 If my mechanic is already putting in a $400 one, I'll just save this one for retirement. 😁

What is your GEM module number? Does it match the one on the eBay module?

Just asking. I have a spare that matches my current one…

What is your GEM module number? Does it match the one on the eBay module?

Just asking. I have a spare that matches my current one…
To be honest. I don't know. The truck is at the shop. Is yours a 95 or 96? And what options do you have? If it's a 95 or 96, I'd hold onto it for a spare, or maybe for retirement. 😉

Mine is a 96 XLT 4x4 auto with 4.0

I looked through a lot of 95-97 and only found one that matched mine…

Merry Christmas, Explorer fans! Here to give you all an update on my GEM adventures. After FedEx giving me three different dates that my Ebay GEM would arrive, and the day before Christmas Eve, and the weather calling for snow for the next week, it made it. I rushed home from work early, and brought it to the shop, which was slammed with people wanting snow tires mounted, and delivered it. I wasn't at all confident that they'd get it done, and wasn't certain that it would work properly. (All I knew was that it was supposed to be compatible with '95s and '96s with 4wd.) If you haven't guessed already, they did get it installed, and it did work properly. In addition to fixing all the new symptoms, it also fixed the little gremlins that I'd been living with for two years. ;-) The only thing that didn't change is that I still have no instrument lighting. (As one of you predicted ;-) ) I guess I'll live with it for a while longer. No garage now, but in the initial stages of building a finished shop with living above. Planning on putting a heated floor... :cool:
Thanks to you guys, I saved $340! I kept the old one just in case there's a way to get it fixed. It's basically just a circuit board, and a clever person might be able to test and fix it. If my mechanic is to be believed, there were only two new ones left at Ford...
Anyway, Merry Christmas and Happy Exploring!

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Awesome news ! !! /\ Merry Christmas to you too...this makes it one for you..at least helps! 👍👍👏🌲☃️
