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410Fortune 96 AWD Ex - goes low range

I picked up my transfer case last night.
Two t cases were included in the deal, one is strictly for parts.

The t case I will be using in my 96 5.0L AWD explorer is a 2001 F-150 BW 4406 manual shift :) this makes me very happy. I will no longer have full time AWD, instead I will have 2wd, 4hi and 4 low, increased RWHP, better MPG, and less tire wear. Also a more capable truck off road for light wheeling (getting to the fishing spot, colorado winters, etc)

I have ALOT of research to do before I get started collecting more parts and modifying the t case so it can be installed...I am just beggining this conversion.
Once I get a better picture of everything that is needed I can post more.

I know I need to get the manual shifter linkage and driveshafts/driveshaft parts at the very least.

I will have to figure out how to make a speed sensor talk to my 96 computer from this case, I will have to make this sucker fit under my truck, and I will have to modify some driveshafts to work or the T case itself before I can bolt it in.

For now the pictures:

Mid 80-90's full size bronco T case (possibly use the driveshaft yokes, sensors, tailhousing, etc we will see):

The FSB t case tag:

And now the new baby, 2001 BW 4406 manual shift:

Oh my 4406 T case has 7 miles on it hahahaha and I bought it for likely less then Ford would pay BW for this case!! Shhhhh....dont tell anyone.

Anyone want to buy a 96 AWD t case, work perfect, approx 85K miles.

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PLEASE correct me if I'm wrong. Picking the parts up tomrw morning. :-)
2003 F150 BW4406 Manual 50000km $450Cdn (Manual TC from 1997 to 2003 F150 will work)

2003 F150 Front Driveshaft 21 inch Weld to Weld. $150Cdn (Anything from 1997 to 2003 F150 with 4.6, 5.4L will work)
2001 Expedition Front Driveshaft. $230Cdn -> 410 used this one (Anything from 1997 to 2003 Expd with 4.6, 5.4L will work)

2003 Expedition Rear Driveshaft 34<-"wtf" inch Weld to Weld. $200Cdn -> Dont think this work (too long)?
2001 Expedition Rear Driveshaft 31 inch Weld to Weld. $200Cdn -> 410 used this one (Anything from 1997 to 2001 Exped will ork)
2000 Expedition Rear Driveshaft 31 inch Weld to Weld. $200Cdn (Anything from 1997 to 2001 Exped will work)
1999 Expedition Rear Driveshaft 30.75 inch Weld to Weld. $200Cdn (Anything from 1997 to 2001 Exped will work)

Shift Linkage, Boot, TCSS, UJoint $100Cdn

Tailhousing of a 96, 97 F150 or 01 Navigator

Total= $900... If I get an extra 50km per tank the project will pay for itself in 9 months.

As for the wire comming out of the transfer case. It is controlled by the GEM and is part of the shift on the fly function. From what I read it doesnt look like it is actually required to shift on the fly, but then again Ford must have put it there for a reason. Has anyone hooked it up?

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you need the 1999 expedition rear driveshaft.

I didn't hook up any wires on mine, I think they may have some kind of interlock device in there to keep you from shifting in certain situations on the trucks. Just use common sense when shifting into 4wd.

You can sell your stock front DS and AWD case on here an help recoop some of your costs.

Didnt 410 use a 2000 Expedition rear driveshaft. I think he also used a 2001 Expedition front driveshaft (less one flange plus one 1330 to 1310 hybred U-joint) without any issues... 410?

any 97-03 4.6 or 5.4L F-150 or expedition front shaft will work with the hybrid u joint, the rear expedition shaft fits with no need for lengthening or shortening, the distance from t case to front diff is the same on the F-150 and expedition.

Perfect. Thanks guys. I'v spent hours on car-parts.com trying to cross reference all the parts and make sense of whats what.

97-03 F150 Front DS are $150
97-03 Expidition/Navigator Front DS are $230
I'll have to see what the $80 difference is tomrw.

Looks like a Rear DS from 97-01 from an Expedition/Navigator will work.

Perfect. Thanks guys. I'v spent hours on car-parts.com trying to cross reference all the parts and make sense of whats what.

97-03 F150 Front DS are $150
97-03 Expidition/Navigator Front DS are $230
I'll have to see what the $80 difference is tomrw.

Looks like a Rear DS from 97-01 from an Expedition/Navigator will work.

like we've said over and over, the front driveshaft in an f-150 is the same as a navigator. The only between these two vehicles is that the f-150 has a bed.

Parts purchased................

any 97-03 4.6 or 5.4L F-150 or expedition front shaft will work with the hybrid u joint, the rear expedition shaft fits with no need for lengthening or shortening, the distance from t case to front diff is the same on the F-150 and expedition.

OK heres the deal:
- Front driveshaft from 97-01 F150 will bolt right up (21 inches weld to weld).
- Front driveshaft from 97-01 Expidition will NOT bolt right up (25 inches weld to weld). It will have to be shortened but is otherwise identical to the F150.
- Front double cardan Exlorer driveshaft will NOT work as it is way too short.

- Rear driveshaft from 00-01 Expedition will bolt right in.

PARTS PURCHASED and waiting to be installed:
- 2001 F150 Front Driveshaft
- 2000 Expedition Rear Driveshaft
- 2000 BW4406 XL34-xxxxx-AC. No shift linkage but it did have the TCSS which I will now have to modify electronically to emulate a VSS. Now the guy said it was out of a 4.2L. I took a close look at it and it has a 31 spline input shaft and a 31 spline output shaft. The Expd rear driveshaft slid right in and the front F150 driveshaft bolt pattern match. Does anyone know if there is something different between the 4.2L and the 4.6/5.4 4406 transfer cases.

Grand total of 684.39 Cdn.

nope, they are all the same. 31 spline input and 6 bolt mounting provisions. A little tip, when pulling the AWD case, there is a dowell pin that makes life hard. You need to pull the case out parallel. Any other angle and it will resist you the whole way out.

Awsome... I was a little worried I may have gotten the wrong Tcase... As soon as I sort out the VSS / TCSS Im gonna bolt this biaaatch in and lay a patch of rubber from here to the end of the street.. Rear wheel drive and super bad ass 4x4 low here I come.

stuck dittley uck yesterday:

First stuck of 2008! I need new tires......

Low range t case still working perfectly, I dug some HUGE holes in the snow/mud, enough to get my frame on the ground

Fuel economy

410Fortune - Reading this post, one of the things you hoped to gain was an increase in fuel economy. Sorry if I missed it, but did you actually gain anything in that department? Thanks for a great build story.

I definatley notice a gain in MPG, passing power, power, lighter steering, and power
AWD = SUCKS the gas

I am not sure what it was, but the truck uses alot less gas these days, especially when towing and highway.

Its a 4 door V8 explorer on 33's, not the type of truck where I am worried enough to calculate my MPG and keep a log LOL
I am glad gas is down, but sad its going back up

The truck feels like a different truck
The 2wd it awesome for daily driving
the 4x4 high is awesome on the icy roads, snowpack, etc
the low range just makes this truck a tank
I have taken it wheeling a few times now, while building my BII, and it is very impressive

It makes a wonderful daily driver, family hauler and tow vehicle for toys
I couldnt be happier with this truck, especially for what I have into it! (about $4500-5000 total thus far LOL)

4x4= truck

Hey I have a 4404 with no speed sensor to replace my 97 that has a speed sensor. Can I just take apart the new 4404 drill the hole where the sensor hooks to and install it on there? I read through your post and seen your swap but that was diff models.
Thanks for any input.

you still need a tone ring on the output shaft.. and the sensor must be in the perfect spot for the gears to mesh, but yes I would think thats possible... heck the t case casing had the boss in the cast... showing you where to drill

VSS Conversion details


Can you give a little more detail about how the speedo drive gear was installed? Like for example;

- details of the clamp collar that you used, its height/length and where i can get one.
- the position of the drive gear. Did you just eyeball it on the shaft through the hole on the tailhousing?
- is the ball bearing spring loaded? and how did you slide the drive gear in place?

Hope you can help, i'm doing my conversion this week after I pick up the parts from cobraguy:thumbsup:


I have the 4406 and the two driveshafts now :D

but, i'm still looking for the tailhousing with that will work with a gear driven speed sensor.

Will the stock VSS from the AWD work with the 4406 if you install a drive gear on the rear output shaft of the 4406?

Appreciate any help from anyone including any info on where i can get the parts that i need.

what year expedition did you get the rear driveshat out of and what year truck did the manual linkage from also?

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