4th Gen Towing upgrad parts help | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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4th Gen Towing upgrad parts help


February 22, 2016
Reaction score
City, State
Munster, IN
Year, Model & Trim Level
2006 Mercury Mariner
I'm looking at purchasing a LOW mileage V6 AWD Mountaineer that does not have the tow package. I've been researching and searching this forum but haven't found part numbers for some of the towing accessories I'm looking for.

I currently own an '06 Mariner V6 AWD and tow a 10' utility trailer and 20' pontoon infrequently, both under 3,000 lb. Towing is only about 10% of my yearly driving and the mariner does OK, but we wanted a larger vehicle as well as something with a longer wheel base to use when towing. I am not looking to push the weight limits nor tow a camper, I'm in Indiana so all flat land towing, but I want to make sure I keep the truck healthy long term.

Is there a factory or aftermarket recommendation for an upgraded transmission cooler?

Is there a recommendation for an oil cooler (is it even necessary)?

Is there a part number for the Class III? I've seen suggestions of cutting the Class II bumper/frame out and welding in a Class III, and I know it will not increase the towing capacity. I am mechanically inclined, can fabricate, can weld and have friends who are licensed welders. All off my current towing accessories are Class III (bike rack, luggage rack, multiple 1-7/8" & 2" hitches) and would like to keep consistency.

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Also, I am fully aware of the aftermarket (curt, hidden hitch, valley) Class III hitches and could just as easily go that route as well. Is there an accessory "cover" for the factory class II hitch like the newest model Explorers?

I'm looking at purchasing a LOW mileage V6 AWD Mountaineer that does not have the tow package. I've been researching and searching this forum but haven't found part numbers for some of the towing accessories I'm looking for.

I currently own an '06 Mariner V6 AWD and tow a 10' utility trailer and 20' pontoon infrequently, both under 3,000 lb. Towing is only about 10% of my yearly driving and the mariner does OK, but we wanted a larger vehicle as well as something with a longer wheel base to use when towing. I am not looking to push the weight limits nor tow a camper, I'm in Indiana so all flat land towing, but I want to make sure I keep the truck healthy long term.

Is there a factory or aftermarket recommendation for an upgraded transmission cooler?
There are plenty of aftermarket aux trans coolers available. Most recommend the "fin type" vs the "tube type" (I think that's what they call them). Visit your autoparts store, do a search, or someone here will post a link.

Is there a recommendation for an oil cooler (is it even necessary)?
For no more than 3,000 lbs occasionally, I don't think it's necessary.

Is there a part number for the Class III? I've seen suggestions of cutting the Class II bumper/frame out and welding in a Class III, and I know it will not increase the towing capacity. I am mechanically inclined, can fabricate, can weld and have friends who are licensed welders. All off my current towing accessories are Class III (bike rack, luggage rack, multiple 1-7/8" & 2" hitches) and would like to keep consistency.
That's probably a dealer-only part, if you are up to cutting and welding. But I would not want to screw with that hitch. It's an integrated part of the vehicle's stiffened structure (versus the bolted hitch on gen 3). I'd leave it, and get the undermount (see below).

Also, I am fully aware of the aftermarket (curt, hidden hitch, valley) Class III hitches and could just as easily go that route as well. Is there an accessory "cover" for the factory class II hitch like the newest model Explorers?

Yeah, this is what most people do. I really like etrailer.com, and have installed hitches, wiring kits, and other great products from them.

PS - I don't see it, but they used to carry a 2" undermount hitch that actually used the factory 1¼" as a mounting point. Same as these hitches that attached with 4 bolts, but it also had essentially a 1¼" shank welded at the top, which slid into the factory receiver, and bolted in place where the pin would usually go. Then you secured the 4 bolts underneath. Very stout way of attaching, and the final product had a plate covering the factory receiver area, making for a cleaner look.

I've looked into the Valley brand tow hitch that has the plate that covers the Class II. I was looking around and debating fabbing up a step or aluminum diamond tread cover that would insert into the Class II and only have the lower Class III showing. Make it removable so I could put the bike rack in one hitch and a luggage tray in the other when necessary. Idea, Ideas, Ideas...I need more time.

Edit: Ooo, found a part number for the Lincoln Aviator bumper cover! Found my starting point.

Another thing to remember is that the towing package included a lower gear ratio, lightening the load on the transmission under work conditions that cannot be achieved with add ons.

Another thing to remember is that the towing package included a lower gear ratio, lightening the load on the transmission under work conditions that cannot be achieved with add ons.

Already clearly noted and explained in my 1st posting.

I'm not pushing the tow rating by any means, and do not tow regularly. Upgrading the hitch for conformity with all the accessories I already own where a $150 hitch is less expensive than purchasing all new Class II accessories.

The other option would be an adapter. But they introduce some more "play" into the joint, meaning more motion for your bikes and such.

The other option would be an adapter. But they introduce some more "play" into the joint, meaning more motion for your bikes and such.

I do have one around from a few years back when I had a hitch on my commuter car, short term I will be using it. Like I said I might "double up" a bike rack and luggage tray if the need arises in the future, why I like the idea of the Lincoln Aviator bumper cover.

The other issue I have is the factory hitch is quite high compared to the trailers I tow and having trouble finding a Class II with that much drop. So having the lower mounted Class III isn't such a bad thing.

Yeah. The shank that came with my Equal-I-zer WDH was not enough drop. I had to order another one. Still have the standard drop shank in the garage. I keep meaning to put it on Craigslist.

So the Lincoln Aviator bumper cap came in yesterday and I think I can make it work. I'll have to cut slots into the underside of the bumper cover at the hitch opening for the cap tabs to lock into but those will be virtually invisible. Then to figure out how to secure the bottom of the cap as the factory tabs extend further forward than the Mercury bumper cover.

It has a "slightly" different body line but isn't very noticeable because of the bump-out for the receiver. Now to get some paint, as the Lincoln has the grey-plastic cladding in the bumper and not smooth painted like the Mercury. I'll take photos as I progress.

I'm looking at purchasing a LOW mileage V6 AWD Mountaineer that does not have the tow package. I've been researching and searching this forum but haven't found part numbers for some of the towing accessories I'm looking for.

I currently own an '06 Mariner V6 AWD and tow a 10' utility trailer and 20' pontoon infrequently, both under 3,000 lb. Towing is only about 10% of my yearly driving and the mariner does OK, but we wanted a larger vehicle as well as something with a longer wheel base to use when towing. I am not looking to push the weight limits nor tow a camper, I'm in Indiana so all flat land towing, but I want to make sure I keep the truck healthy long term.

Is there a factory or aftermarket recommendation for an upgraded transmission cooler?

Is there a recommendation for an oil cooler (is it even necessary)?

Is there a part number for the Class III? I've seen suggestions of cutting the Class II bumper/frame out and welding in a Class III, and I know it will not increase the towing capacity. I am mechanically inclined, can fabricate, can weld and have friends who are licensed welders. All off my current towing accessories are Class III (bike rack, luggage rack, multiple 1-7/8" & 2" hitches) and would like to keep consistency.

I recently brought my 07 explorer to trans shop because, 1) the O/D off button would not work, 2) the plastic "chrome" shifter cap was flaking, and 3) I wanted to inquire about an upgraded trans cooler. The shop fixed 1 & 2 by replacing the entire shift mechanism with the correct ford part but they responded that the truck already has a large trans cooler, running it stock is the best bet. Even when I inquired, can they put another one on there is series they said no, it won't be any better. I assume the 4th gen explorer has a suffient transcooler that takes up the entire space available. So off to towing. The Here is how I did it. I tow the camper with mine explorer.


And I'm rolling with my weight distribution hitch

