4th Gen VERY SAFE and don't drive tired!!! | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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4th Gen VERY SAFE and don't drive tired!!!


Active Member
April 20, 2009
Reaction score
City, State
Moyock, Nc
Year, Model & Trim Level
'06 XLT



















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Wow...that's an incredible amount of damage.

I'm guessing since you said it's very safe that you made it out ok.

Glad you weren't hurt but sorry to see your (what looks like it was) very nice Ex totalled :(.

Yes, I climbed out and walked away!! Just got cuts really. Think i'm going to get another one and start over.

It's good you're alright, but damn! I can't believe your Ex is dead - it looked so great! I hope you can find another one and have it look just as awesome.

Yes, I climbed out and walked away!! Just got cuts really. Think i'm going to get another one and start over.

Like they say "Any landing you can walk away from is a good one".

Damn....that looks rough but held up well. Good to hear you made it out. Goodluck with your next vehicle.

Wow- glad to hear that you were ok!

The Ex did hold up well, all things considered :thumbsup:

It's good you're alright, but damn! I can't believe your Ex is dead - it looked so great! I hope you can find another one and have it look just as awesome.

I'm hoping King of SoCal will sell his!!!! lol

Thanks all!!!!! Yea she did hold up well. I woke up driving in a ditch then hit colver pipe/ driveway, did a kart wheel nose planted then flipped agian and landed on passanger side. Great vehicale!!!

I believe you should keep a center console, or glovebox stocked with these puppies at all times!


wow!! you are definitely lucky. glad to hear you are ok

Holy sh*t!!! That was some accident. Sad to see your Ex go, but she held up very well especially for the severity of that. Can't wait to see your next explorer.

More like an endo than rollover. Glad for safety.

Oh Damn!!... Never mind with the PM I sent you.. you don't want twins.. you want your truck back with out having to do any mods! lol.. I've decided AGAIN that I AM going to sell her.. but not tell the end of this year.. sorry man. But if you can wait that would be ****! I'd rather have someone like you to take her then Jade the soccer mom.. unless you plan on killing her too. lol.. jk jk

Is that a flowmaster I see sitting on the ground? lol

Oh Damn!!... Never mind with the PM I sent you.. you don't want twins.. you want your truck back with out having to do any mods! lol.. I've decided AGAIN that I AM going to sell her.. but not tell the end of this year.. sorry man. But if you can wait that would be ****! I'd rather have someone like you to take her then Jade the soccer mom.. unless you plan on killing her too. lol.. jk jk

Yeps, thats pretty much it in a nut shell!!! And NO I don't plan on killing her lol I was hard headed and stupid. I was nodding off and siad its ok I can make it. and yep I made it alright.... right into a ditch. But let me know when you ready to sell her and how much you want for her?????????????

Is that a flowmaster I see sitting on the ground? lol

Yep it sure is. It was going to go on my X have true duals! I'm just glad it didn't fly a few feet to the left or i woulda had a nice muffler in the the back of my head

Did you find wheel #4?

Yea it was in the driveway where the red expadition is in one of the pics

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More like an endo than rollover. Glad for safety.

Yea lol it was something idk what happened once i hit the driveway/colver pipe. the ass end went up in air did like cartwheel nose planted bbbblllllaaaaaannnnnnkkkkk.... X laying on side took seet belt off climbed out my window and WANTED A CIG... climbed back in and couldn't find them:( but it happened in my friends nieghbors yard so his dad gave me like 6 and they went up in smoke quick!!!
