5.0 conversion ? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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5.0 conversion ?

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I have no experience with newer "Xs", sorry.
If you look thru all of the older Threads you are bound to find some info.
Try adapter manufacturers like Advanced Adapters, or Duff Ent or others that I cannot think of.
There are sites for the "5.0" that may be of some help.

Sorry I can't help you any further,

:us: :chug: :can:

For you, it's probly a best bet, to just trade in yer X and get a 4dr with a 5.0.... most likely be cheaper...

If you dont feel like getting a new truck then find a wrecked 5.0L Explorer and swap all of the drive train into your truck. Everything bolts right over. Sure wish it did in the older Explorers.

YOu sure about that... and the computers and all.... and what systems they run...
All I've heard is they get very very technical on the newer sploders

100% positive that the 5.0L drivetrain would drop right in to place. The frame is the same and the chassis is the same. About the only difference is maybe the chassis wiring maybe different but with a donor vehicle that is a small problem and little more time might be needed swapping that too. Ford dropped 5.0L's into Explorers from '96 to '01 so why wouldn't the conversion be just a bolt in on a 4.0L Explorer when the only difference is the drivetrain?

Putting the 5.0 would be a "drop-in" operation for you. (as far as bolting up the engine goes) The wiring would probably represent your biggest challenge. Your best bet is to find a donor explorer.

Also, be sure to check your local "swap and Emission" laws for your area.

Good Luck

