5.0 Tranny swap? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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5.0 Tranny swap?


New Member
April 17, 2014
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Year, Model & Trim Level
2000 Explorer XLT 5.0
Does anybody have any information on a trans swap from a doaner 02' Crown Victoria? It's my understanding that they have the same 7F70W transmission as the 2000 5.0 Explorer XLT. any information on a suitable swap would be helpful and usefull. My current trans only has 123.399 miles on it and even after servicing it I have no luck in getting away from point A

Crown Vic doesn't have a 7F70W transmission (7 speed front drive -- no such an animal). Perhaps you mean 5R55W, or maybe a 4R70? For a straight-up swap of the same model, it's pretty much bolt-in and go. Take a look over in the trans forum here ... there's lots of info there.

What are the symptoms with your current trans? Someone may be able to help with the current problem.

As it stand's I've changed the TPS, the TCS (Torque converter solenoid) EPS fluid and filter. But still nothing after 2nd gear just rev's to 4k rpm and only after I put it in park then drive does it move. It's parked right now. Auto Zone here in Cali isn't allowed to read codes. I read on another form about the 7R70 swap and that prompted my questioning. The following is quoted from that page.

Overdrive Servo/Spring Replacement,
MLPS, Shift/EPC/TCC Solenoid Replacement,
Valve Body R&R
2002 Crown Vic HPP

I had noticed that the shift from 3rd gear to overdrive was getting a little "lazy" so I decided to do a little maintenance and upgrade work on the 4R70W in my 2002 Crown Vic HPP (80,000 miles on a regularly maintained vehicle).
