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5.0 Waterpump


Well-Known Member
July 3, 2011
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1998 5.0L AWD Eddie Bauer
Hey Guys had to replace my water pump and without a hitch the two bolts on opposite sides the pump broke, got the cover off and remaining parts out the block. I know ford has discontinued these bolts, what have you guy used as replacements and what thread pitch are the originals? Second whats the part # on rockauto for the timing cover gasket kit? For a 98 eddie 5.0 thanks in advance.

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When I did mine, I took the all the old bolts to the local Fastenall store and matched them up. It's been a couple of years, and I don't recall any of the specifics re length, thread pitch, etc. Good luck.

I'm in the middle of the same job on my brothers 97 , it was leaking cause someone else already broke the two bolts and tried to glue the pump on with a paper gasket and silicone , now I'm trying to decide if I wanna risk going deeper and trying to fix it right or just put it together with a better gasket and some hi tack ,

[MENTION=144418]bobflood[/MENTION] I live in the south so Im gonna hit a yard up for the studs that broke off that way I have oem still. [MENTION=199374]delexploder[/MENTION] if those studs are as rusted as mine were be prepared to destroy the TC to get it off and have to replace it Im in the process of re assembly currently.

Yea I hope not but if I need one my friend has quite a few , as for the bolts I got two 3.5 in. by 5/16 with 18 pitch in stainless with some small washers also stainless , I'm not looking forward to dealing with the oil pan and crank pully in the truck

I have to do this job next myself, for a slight leak of coolant and oil.

I bought the Ford WP from RockAuto, and a replacement WP bolt kit, 4 bolts. I haven't compared the lengths yet, I'm hoping at least a couple of them will match. But it wasn't much, a few $'s.

Yea I hope not but if I need one my friend has quite a few , as for the bolts I got two 3.5 in. by 5/16 with 18 pitch in stainless with some small washers also stainless , I'm not looking forward to dealing with the oil pan and crank pully in the truck

Yea my TC is refusing to line up on both dowels on the block at the same time the old one came off fine with the oil pan there so I dont know if its the old gasket or new seal on bottom of the cover binding it up. The crank bolt on the truck isnt bad if you got a good 1/2 impact and a good compressor behind it. I hit the trigger on mine once and it came right out, but I do have a 33 gallon behind it. Soon as I figure out whats keeping the cover from going on like it should I can complete reassembly.

It's probably the oil pan needing to go down a little more to clear the timing cover bottom edge while it's going on.

I got side tracked today so I didn't get back to my little brothers mess , I've done this job several times but in broncos and f150s , cars etc and it always sucks , if I had more time id just pull the his motor and do it on a stand with a new one piece oil pan gasket , rear main seal and a few other preventive maintenance items , he's planning on driving it to BYU in the fall and I'm not thrilled about it lol

Common challenge. The rubber seal and/or the RTV at the bottom are pushing the TC up. Some just got rid of the dowels and reported no issues. The dowels have chamfered edges, so as soon as I felt them somewhat engaged I used the two bolts closest to the dowels to nudge the TC into place. But don't blame me if you break something!

Yea my TC is refusing to line up on both dowels on the block at the same time the old one came off fine with the oil pan there so I dont know if its the old gasket or new seal on bottom of the cover binding it up.

yea i got frustrated with it and walked away so I dont break anything gonna go back out tomorrow and see if i can get it to seat like it should i thought about removing the dowels and tacking the gasket into place instead of them holding it on i was thinking as well the pan was preventing it from going on ill let you guys know of any progress.

Got the cover off in one piece and of course the broken bolts came out after that with my fingers lol , gonna go ahead and do a timing set and get it back together

I got 99 problems but doing the water pump on a V8 aint one.

yea i got frustrated with it and walked away so I dont break anything gonna go back out tomorrow and see if i can get it to seat like it should i thought about removing the dowels and tacking the gasket into place instead of them holding it on i was thinking as well the pan was preventing it from going on ill let you guys know of any progress.

My new gasket had a ring perforated on those holes you gotta remove to go around the dowels , got all mine cleaned up and found that I did crack the cover , so I cleaned the crack with 2+2 and JB wielded the hell out of it then filed and sanded it all smooth and flat , then came the high tack and gasket , wire wheeled all the bolts and coated them with anti seize so it doesn't happen again , a little black silicone on the stock pan gasket , new crank seal and all the other stuff , its not done but I'm definitely over the worst part

Good job, keeping busy with it is the key.
