5r55e reverse servo not straight? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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5r55e reverse servo not straight?


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October 9, 2016
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2000 Explorer
if you read my other thread I lost drive and reverse on my transmission. Manual 1 and 2 work. I took apart the valve body and looked at it. All valves look good no cracks. Gaskets are fine. When I went to take out the reverse servo it was crooked. I took it out cleaned it didn’t see any debris in there either. Put it back and it’s still crooked
Any help?


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if you read my other thread I lost drive and reverse on my transmission. Manual 1 and 2 work. I took apart the valve body and looked at it. All valves look good no cracks. Gaskets are fine. When I went to take out the reverse servo it was crooked. I took it out cleaned it didn’t see any debris in there either. Put it back and it’s still crooked
Any help?
Does the cover for it fit correctly?

The servo has to be pushed in but it springs back out if you let go. I don’t know much about these so I’m not sure if it’s supposed to do that

Yes it goes in a little crooked but if it goes in enough to clamp the band and the o-rings are good and the cylinder surfaces are smooth, and the cover seal is good, then it is okay. The cover that holds it up can only go in one way; 2 of the bolt holes are closer to each other than the other 3 distances. It works by having fluid fill in via the bottom channel and push up to clamp the reverse band. the piston itself has 3 downward facing feet that allows the fluid to push up with even hydraulic pressure, with the fluid coming in from the bottom channel, visible just below the left-most cover bolt hole in the picture.

Ah I forgot to check the o rings. Is the resistance and springiness I’m feeling when I push in the servo the reverse band? I read on on of the discussions that my problem could be with the band ( I think glacier said to stick a Phillips screwdriver in there and test the springiness of the band). The rod on the servo also is smooth as can be I saw a video on how the constant in and out can cause the rod to chaff and cause a indent. But it looks like it didn’t happen to mine or the guys that did the rebuild replaced the servo. Thanks for your help guys! I’ll check the cover seals and the o rings

The reverse bands are made of cast iron and typically don't fail; the usual failure point on the 1-2 and 3-4 bands is the welded tang; their servo rods break the tang off the rolled steel band. But it is possible that the band itself broke, but not likely. Look at the images on google images for 5R55E reverse band. One of the images shows all 3 bands, and the reverse band is notable for being really heavy duty (cast iron), while the other 2 are thin steel with a clamp tang welded on the end; they don't take as tough a beating when they activate, since they are not changing the direction of any drive member. Anyway, the advice to put a phillips screwdriver up the rod channel is good; push it up and you can feel the band when the screwdriver hits the top of the bearing hole, then about 1/4 more up it will hit the fully clamped position. And yes check those O-rings. If you are having a problem with the transmission going into reverse, you're on the right track. If you still have probs after that, you may have a bad Electronic fluid Pressure Control solenoid. When they go bad, reverse and 1st typically stop working smoothly, if at all, while 1-2 and 3-4 really flare.

Ah I see. Right now I'm just looking at everything. I've spent the past week reading up on the 5r55e. I started another thread on the problems I'm having I'm not sure if you read it, but basically I lost reverse and drive, but my manual 1 and 2 still function normally. I'm looking at every possible part that won't require me to pull the trans but the more I read about it, the more it looks to be a problem inside the transmission ( the od sprag). If you could read my other thread and give me some guidance that would be very helpful Macgionuin. I'm new when it comes to transmissions so I dont know much. Thanks for all your help so far!

The reverse bands are made of cast iron and typically don't fail; the usual failure point on the 1-2 and 3-4 bands is the welded tang; their servo rods break the tang off the rolled steel band. But it is possible that the band itself broke, but not likely. Look at the images on google images for 5R55E reverse band. One of the images shows all 3 bands, and the reverse band is notable for being really heavy duty (cast iron), while the other 2 are thin steel with a clamp tang welded on the end; they don't take as tough a beating when they activate, since they are not changing the direction of any drive member. Anyway, the advice to put a phillips screwdriver up the rod channel is good; push it up and you can feel the band when the screwdriver hits the top of the bearing hole, then about 1/4 more up it will hit the fully clamped position. And yes check those O-rings. If you are having a problem with the transmission going into reverse, you're on the right track. If you still have probs after that, you may have a bad Electronic fluid Pressure Control solenoid. When they go bad, reverse and 1st typically stop working smoothly, if at all, while 1-2 and 3-4 really flare.

I'm sorry to get to this so late, but I just joined the group. I am having the same issue with my daughter's 2001 Ford Ranger 5R55E trans.
I have no reverse and no drive, 2 & 1 work fine, but the OD light comes on and begins to blink.
I attempted to adjust the bands, but it did not go to well; it made things worse. I do not believe I adjusted them correctly at all.
Also when I changed the gaskets on my valve body, the reverse servo just fell out and would stay in unless I put the cover back on.

I was wondering did you ever get your Trans issue solved, if so, HOW?
