5th Annual EF S.M.O.R.R. 2013 Pre Halloween Spooktacular!! plse read | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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5th Annual EF S.M.O.R.R. 2013 Pre Halloween Spooktacular!! plse read


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February 15, 2004
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Halloween it is! OCT 25-27
The dates are final this is all or nothing for the SMORR Run. October is great weather for wheeling in this area so let the spooky hills of the Ozarks be haunted by the thunder of 5.o's and monster rumbles of the 4.o.

Members Going:

Derek O
Shawn and his wild pack of cherokees

CB Radio channel...5.
Park staff runs ch 14.

GPS Download for the park

Garmin mapsource application

Park map pdf.

Vehicle requirements for trails:
4WD (2wd LS will get around main road only)
Front & Rear tow points
CB Radio
If your a stock rig, please inform us of what your running in your axles, ie...open or Limited slip. We will need to keep you in the middle of the pack on the trails.

Suggested equipment for trails:
Trail ratings
1-stock set up will get you around the park, but even a #1 can have some places that will be hard on a stock set up.
2-Minimum of LS rear / 31" AT or MT / 4wd / 2" lift
3-Minimum of one locker / 33"+ AT or MT / 4wd / 2-4" lift / Rock sliders, skid plates preferred as there is a chance of undercarriage damage
4-Rear locker, front locker helps greatly / 33"-35"+ / 4wd / 4-6" lift / Good axle droop / Rock sliders, skid plates / high chance of body-undercarriage damage
5-Front & Rear locked / 6"+ lift / tons of articulation / full under body & roll cage protection, 5 point seat harness / 36"+ MT / winch / Will take on body damage / Lots of HP / Psycho attitude / Trailer to get your broken rig home / Doubtful We will be doing any of these trails...lol

Wheeling Fees:
1 day pass:* $25 per vehicle and driver $5 per passenger

2 day pass:* $45 per vehicle and driver $10 per passenger
(SAVE $5.00)
3 day pass:* $60 per vehicle and driver $15 per passenger
(SAVE $15)

Spectator/Hanging out at the park all day
$5 dollars per person per day.

Tent Camping Including Pop Ups:

* $10 per tent a night(up to 6 man tent) $20 per tent a night(7-14 man tent)
* $15 per night generator Camping
* Kids tents 12 yrs and under free

Electric Site RV Camping (These are long gravel drives with post fencing separating the sites. Do not have to have an RV. They have grass as well.)

*$20 per night

Not much on camping? Hotel 6 miles from the park.
Ava Super 8‎
1711 South Jefferson, Ava, MO
(417) 683-1343‎

Directions to the Ranch....HWY 60 (goes across southern MO) to Seymour (east of Springfield). There is only a couple exits for this tiny town. They should all lead towards the center of town. Once your south of the RR tracks, you will wind your way thru the square and to HWY K. Take HWY K south 5 miles until you reach the park. It will be on the south side of HWY K and trust me, you wont miss it. Look for the signs, and the ranch style entrance.

2011 meet was renamed in honor of John Johnstone. So this is actually the 4th Invasion meet for EF. :salute:


  • smorr 2012.jpg
    smorr 2012.jpg
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Link to SMORR's website.

Hmm...Yeah Jake, it does look pretty familiar....:scratch:

Once the actual dates are set, Brandon really needs to be informed asap to get us on the calendar of events. He will start a thread on his site for this as well, like he always does. We always get a few others to join us from him doing this, and everyone that we have met that way has been awesome to wheel/hang with. :thumbsup:










Count me in!

....now off to fab bumpers and sliders.

Does SMORR have an exhaust/ muffler rule? My exhaust won't pass tech at KSROCKS.
I've currently just got a 4' pipe with a turn down, after my headers.

You will not have an issue with your exhaust. As long as you have seat belts, you should be fine. I don't think they tech vehicles. In all the times we have been, never have.

Ok, maybe if I get bored it'll get a muffler, cause it is obnoxiously loud...

I know :) lol

Talked to Kelley and we should be able to make this date work. Plus I did not ride all the trails a few years ago.

Talked to Kelley and we should be able to make this date work. Plus I did not ride all the trails a few years ago.

They just opened 5+ more trails this year, of all levels.

Lost track of how many times I have gone, don't think I've been on half the trails, even in a more capable rig. It is constantly evolving.

If we re able to go we want to try to ride all the trails that we did not ride last time.

I will be considering depending on tuff truck race schedule

Testing my tuff truck yesterday with 33s for trails, few little adjustments it will be blast at smorr.

How does the GPS database work?
No idea. Never had a decent GPS unit to even bother with figuring it out. If it doesn't automatically show up, I just figure I'm out of luck. LOL!

Can ask on SMORR website, pretty sure someone would explain it in detail.

I'm out, double checked calender and this is same weekend of our fair in town.

Terrible news Brad! Its not to late to change the event weekend... Really wont be the same without you leading the trails.

Greg knows the park well also, so you will be fine.

I think most wanted this weekend. I personally think will be a little to hot for wheeling.
I'm booked in June

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I'll be a maybe if I can get off work the days are put in just no guarantee.
