Solved - 700R4 Trans and D300 T-Case Swap? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Solved 700R4 Trans and D300 T-Case Swap?

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Elite Loser
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Elite Explorer
November 29, 2000
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San Diego, PRofK
Year, Model & Trim Level
1994 XLT
Anyone tried this?
I am planning on installing a 700R4 transmission with a Dana 300 transfer case.
Partial list of stuff I need:
700R4 Transmission w/all the goodies (from Bowtie overdrive in Oceanside, CA).
Advanced Adapter's 4.0 to 700R4 adapter.
Dana 300 transfer case (anyone have one lying around?).
D300 flip kit for an XJ from "".
D300 rebuild kit.
D300 4:1 gear set by "Lo Max".
Will need to modify my drive shafts to mate with new T-case.
After this is done, I should have a solid drive train with real low 4WD gearing.
Since my transmission is on its way out and starting to slip, now is the time to get this done. I was going to do a SAS next year, but now I need the $ for a new transmission. Can't see spending all the money to rebuild my stock POS tranny when I can do this for a little more. I was talking with Tom Davis while at Shaver and we cannot see any reason this could not be done without too much trouble.

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I believe Jefe swapped a 700R4 into his Ex. He had to get an AA adapter to bolt it up. I think he has an Atlas T-case too. Heh, to rich for my blood, but im jealous none the less. Anyway bro, good luck with everything. Oh, and if you wanna find that thread just search for 700R4 swap.

Jefe was there too with us.

Brian - more info on the d300. You want a 1981+ version, from a CJ7. The 1980 model had a funky output housing that isn't really supported. You also do not want a IH Scout D300 - leave those to the IH Scout people.

You will probably also have to make custom crossmember, and skid plate for it all to fit.

Thanks, Tom. I am working on talking my friend into using his shop facilities when its closed, or just paying him to install the whole thing. I saw a bunch of D300's on ebay, but I think I want to see it before I buy one. 81+ from a CJ7. Good information.
What about these 32 spline shafts I keep reading about? Are they worth it, because now it is getting up to Atlas II prices?

Is the length of the stock tranny and the 700R4 about the same?
If not, do I need to worry about the new transfer case not lining up in the same spot as the old one?
If it's only a few inches difference in length, it should not matter, right? I know the rear drive shaft will have to be longer because the D300 is so short.
I need to know this stuff because as soon as I find somewhere or someone to do the install, I am going out and buying everything.

BKennedy said:
What about these 32 spline shafts I keep reading about? Are they worth it, because now it is getting up to Atlas II prices?

Run the stock till it breaks. Then upgrade that part to 32 spline.

Is the length of the stock tranny and the 700R4 about the same?
I do not know.

If not, do I need to worry about the new transfer case not lining up in the same spot as the old one?

Not a problem, unless it's longer than stock. You do have a few extra inches before hitting the gas tank.

AA also makes a D300 flip kit. Not sure who's is less expensive. I'm sure a few companies make 4:1 gears also.
Need custom trans crossmember as the AA output housing is where the Explorer mount ends up. 700R4 mount location is ~2" forward of that. May also have clearance issues with the D300 and the stock crossmember. And the body for that matter. With the flip kit on the D300 is quite tall.
Is the D300 clockable stock, or is there a clock ring option available? Would be nice to put it in at the angle you want.
I don't know the exact length of a 4x4 700R4 but it is probably only an inch or so shorter once you get the 4.0 adapter plate in there. the D300, being gear driven will move both driveshaft outputs towards the front by 4-6". So front driveshaft needs to be shortened, rear shaft lengthened.
Then you have to figure out what to do with your center console, as you have to get the twin sticks through somewhere, and add a shifter for the 700R4.

Thats all I can think of right now.

oh, and Bowtie is in Hesperia (Victorville).

I did see a clockable ring on "" for the D300, but do not know if it would work with a flip kit.

I would have to toss the centre console and build a new one, or just an arm rest. I need to look at one and see if it is going to fit.
Here are the pics of the two versions of a flip kit.

Mounted in a J&^p.

Jefe, is your tranny shifter mounted directly above the transmission? Which one of these you think would work?
I was under the truck today and there appears to be about 2 1/2 inches of clearance above the T-case. If one of these doesn't fit, I guess a little help with a three pound sledge on the underside of the body would help it clear. :D

Make sure you can clock the dana 300 up high. I think tracy hit hers about 50 times on the rubicon. I bet the flip kit might have clocking positions in it. I think that will make a sweet setup in your explorer

You'll want the kit with the sticks hanging off the front. It'll put the sticks up near the stock manual t-case shifter location. Otherwise the sticks will be at the back of the front seats.

BKennedy said:

The kit on the right is what you want.

There are clocking rings available for the d300.

Okay, thanks. I talked my friend into doing the job at his shop. The only thing is that he doesn't like the idea of using a flipped transfer case. Thinks they were made to be upright, not upside down. And he has seen many of the D300's fail. He thinks there must be a reason no one uses a filpped transfer case out here.
He likes the NP231 better, says its cheaper, you can gear it the same as the D300, it has the 2WD low gear, and should be fine for my Explorer.
Like this.

He also doesn't think the D300 will clear the bottom of the body and will be a huge pain in the rear to install, versus the smaller NP231. The NP231 can be purchased new with 4:1 gears, 32 spline output shafts and a SY eliminator kit for around $1,000.00. If it works on full sized V8 Dodge and Chevy trucks, it should work on my Explorer.
Comments?? :D

I know where a nice NP231 with SYE kit is. I may be able to hook you up with the owner. ;) Heck, it'd probably take him a year to realize it was gone if you want it cheap. :D
Then you'd just have to throw a 4:1 kit in, do the 2wd Low mod, and figure out how the heck to get the shifter to work. Maybe find a BW1350 or 54 shifter and mod from there. Or you could search ebay for a NP241 (Rubicon T-case) that already has 4:1, 32 spline, and uses 1350 U-joints.

Jefe said:
I know where a nice NP231 with SYE kit is. I may be able to hook you up with the owner. ;) Heck, it'd probably take him a year to realize it was gone if you want it cheap. :D
Then you'd just have to throw a 4:1 kit in, do the 2wd Low mod, and figure out how the heck to get the shifter to work. Maybe find a BW1350 or 54 shifter and mod from there. Or you could search ebay for a NP241 (Rubicon T-case) that already has 4:1, 32 spline, and uses 1350 U-joints.
Let me guess, Brother of Jefe???? I like the NP241 idea, but it might be hard to find. My buddy figures he can get the shifter from a Dodge pickup to work.

Negotiating with the brother via private email for his NP231. Then a few hundred bucks for the 2WD Low mod, and I'm in business.
Jefe, can you list all the stuff I will need from Bowtie please?

BKennedy said:
Jefe, can you list all the stuff I will need from Bowtie please?
700R4 Level 2 V6 (you'll have to work with them to see what output shaft and tailshaft housing it will need)
1800 HD V6 Torque converter
dipstick? (see my last post in my thread)
Ford 4.0 TV system (standard or braided cable)
TCC Relay kit (if you want to lock up the TC in 3rd gear, useful for towing)
Installers kit

Jefe said:
I know where a nice NP231 with SYE kit is. I may be able to hook you up with the owner. ;) Heck, it'd probably take him a year to realize it was gone if you want it cheap. :D
I giess I need to pay more attention to Explorer Mod threads :D

Brother_of_Jefe said:
I giess I need to pay more attention to Explorer Mod threads :D
Yes you do.......... :D For all we know, Jefe already has it :p :rolleyes: :confused:
Jefe, what shifter did you use? I was looking at the B&M truck shifter to give it the right height.

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I have the B&M hammer shifter and then got one of their handles that i liked better and has a button on it to lock up the torque converter in 3rd gear
