757Exploder's build/mod thread | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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757Exploder's build/mod thread


New Member
March 25, 2013
Reaction score
City, State
Virginia Beach, VA
Year, Model & Trim Level
1998 Explorer Sport
Here she was the day I bought her


Got my CB hooked up with a fresh Wilson 1000


Installed my new pioneer double din (pain in the f***in ass)


Upgraded my big 3 to 1/0 in preparation for the rest of the sound system


Cranked up the torsion bars and threw on some fresh 31x11.00 thornbirds


Damn rats chewed through the cruise control wires when it sat for 4 years. Picked up a new set of steering wheel controls and soldered these back together.


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Where did you get that adapter in the lighter plug? That is exactly what I've been looking for.

yeah haha i actually stole that from a buddy who left it in one of my old trucks years ago. but ive seen em at walmart and best buy, etc

got her a lil muddy the other day. rescued a few people, and then ended up havin to get rescued haha



hey i dont know if you have seen our post but a bunch of local guy (and other form out of town) are making a trip to the moutains in july. this will be my first time being able to make it but a few of the others have gone multi time and had a blast. check it out
