7k Miles Ranger Camper Craigslist | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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7k Miles Ranger Camper Craigslist


DIY stunt double
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Elite Explorer
June 16, 2003
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City, State
Humboldt, KS
Year, Model & Trim Level
2000 Mounty

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Small lift and ultimate overland rig. Totally worth the price.

Cool truck, ridiculous camper for the size of the truck. Too much weight, too much overhang. I bet it is a handful at speed if it can even get up to speed. Unfortunately such a clean, low-mile truck has been ruined by cutting the pass through into the cab. If it was just the truck I think it is worth the asking price (or even more) but with the addition of the camper and modifications it significantly lowers the value IMO.

With a V8 conversion it would be a lot of fun. With the V6, it would be like the Toyota campers which can barely climb hills.

Honestly, it's a 4.0 stick.. it's no lightning, but it probably has at least 3.73, if not 4.10's. No worce then a loaded explorer.

I do agree it is a wide camper for that truck. It wasn't cut in the this would be worth twice as much.

You could easily get $10-$15k for each of these if you could separate them in this market.

Thoughts before it sells?
That rig will get you to a lot of places and probably do it very reliably. Collapsible campers are usually fairly light weight. It is a one purpose rig but so are RVs and I would rather have this than an RV any day. It would get me to far more places. If I had the space for it and it was closer, I would probably buy it. Having just 7k miles on the truck and camper is almost like buying it new. I really like that it is a manual.
