88 ranger 4x4 manual tranny in a 92 explorer 4x4? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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88 ranger 4x4 manual tranny in a 92 explorer 4x4?

January 15, 2010
Reaction score
City, State
Denver, colorado
Year, Model & Trim Level
1992 explorer
Hey, I've been thinking about doing a tranny swap in my 92 explorer. I currently have an a4ld with a pretty steady front main seal leak, and I hear that often times thats just the beginning of tons of problems when you change the seal, so i would prefer to just junk the a4ld and do the manual conversion now. Here's the question, I have access to a 88 ford ranger with a manual tranny and all the pedals, etc, BUT, I'm not sure if itll work in my explorer. any suggestions? Thanks

What engine and transmission are in the Ranger? 2.9 and 4.0 V6's use the same bellhousing bolt pattern. 4 cylinder engines are different. 2.9 L transmission from an '88 is often a mitsubishi transmission -- maybe better than an A4LD, but its reputation doesn't seem a lot better than an A4LD's reputation.
