89 civic... randomly dies at idle | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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89 civic... randomly dies at idle


I like to fiddle...
April 23, 2002
Reaction score
City, State
Fairfax, VA
Year, Model & Trim Level
1995 Limited v6
It's a manual - and the only times it will stall, will be when I'm coming to a stop and going from like 3k rpm and I push in the clutch right when I'm about to come to a complete stop. Car will die pretty quickly (doesn't really 'sputter' when it dies.. just kinda dies). It has always started back up afterwards - sometimes it can take upto 30 seconds of cranking though. Sometimes it will start for a split second then die again. If I give it gas, it can sometimes prevent it from dyng as well. It has also died when I just left it idling. It starts back up a lot faster if it sits for a minute or two after it has died (almost like a normal start).

Check engine light always comes on after it dies - can you pull codes from a car this old?

Once it started to die when I was going ~30mph after I took it out of gear to roll down a hill - I pop it back in gear and that prevented it from dying.

Besides the times after it stalls, it never has any problems starting. never stalls when driving (ie. 2nd gear, going 25mph).

Had a similar issue about a year ago - replaced entire distributer cap, new plugs, etc. No problems until about 2 weeks ago. The car runs fine in every other aspect except the stalling (no smoke, always starts, etc etc).

If you have any ideas, let me know - I need to sell this car soon, but I can't sell it with a problem like this.

Thanks in advance.

Does wet weather seem to have anything to do with it? Clemmensen had a similar problem on his '93 Civic and it turned out his alternator was dying and moist air or rainy weather would cause it.

How ya doing by the way? Still with Claire? How're the Delta Sigs doing?

fuel filter---less than 10 bucks just plug and play.
