89 ranger exteneded cab "blue" | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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89 ranger exteneded cab "blue"


Active Member
March 28, 2009
Reaction score
City, State
Everett, WA
Year, Model & Trim Level
92 Eddie/89 ranger ex cab
this is my 89 ford ranger. I bought this from an acquaintance with money I got from my relatives when I graduated high school. paid $1200 for it without a cd player. I put my own stereo in it and I drove it like it was in the first picture for a good long while, then a year or so later I put on 2" of lift (rough country coils/4 door explorer springs). I changed up the aux lighting by getting rid of the 4 cheapy lights on the rollbar and getting 2 8" pro comps, a pair of 6" on the front bumper, and a pair of 5" sealed backup lights on the rear bumper a little bit down the road from when I put the lift on.

a year ago I bought a set of 31x10.50x15 swamper truxus mud terrain radials and 2 months ago I sold the rollbar to a guy with an 04 reg cab. I recently (last 2-3 weeks) have been rolling on the tires from my explorer i'm now parting out getting 80+ more miles to a tank :D. I plan on getting a explorer sport to replace the eddie and to drive around while the ranger goes under for a few upcoming axle swaps. I have a d35 i'm putting up front and a disc 8.8 in the rear. I am gathering parts for a HP D44 SAS and I will run the d35 until I get every last part I need to do the sas properly.

First week I had it:

2-3 years later (2" lift, lights and tires):

the day I sold the ol roll bar:

what it currently looks like(8" lights on bumper, 225/75r15 toyo tires from my explorer):

to do list(d35/mounty lsd 8.8):


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...I want that rear axle...I am so tired of dealing with the 7.5 drums in the snow..:rolleyes:


...I want that rear axle...I am so tired of dealing with the 7.5 drums in the snow..:rolleyes:

NO WAY HAHA, I waited for a month for that axle to hit the u pull yard. I called them almost every day asking if it was processed. The day it entered the yard I raced up there and had to pull it by myself. it really sucks, anytime a 95+explorer hits the yard the first thing people hit is the rear disc setup. this was the first mounty I have seen in any of the three local u pull yards and I wasn't letting the mustang guys have this axle/brake setup. only $95 bucks too:cool: I wanna go back up there when i'm feeling better and try to find the wheels/tires from it the yard help scattered.

nice ranger

thanks for the comments guys, it has been thought of by me and my friend that this truck will sometime in the future get a flatbed made up.
I thought about this for a while:
my current bed needs a ton body work to make as straight as id like it to be
if I replace it (easiest option) it will be more $$$ than I want to spend
ill end up dingin any new bed I get when it gets the sas and I wheel it
I still want to be able to use the bed area to haul parts
i'll gain tire clearance for when I step up in tire size
better visibility and obstacle clearance
I also want to fab up a removable bed crane and a flatbed is a better platform to start on.

so i'm planning on building something similar to this trucks:

I finally got around to cleaning up the mounty axle I picked up a while ago and got that almost ready to drop into my truck. Halfway through cleaning it I had a mishap with the grinder...........

so I finished up a week later.


How do the gears look to you guys? I think they look fine but my dad thinks they look "burnt"

I also spent the 4th lounging at home and at my local pull a part before they closed for the day, and I came home with a little surprise for "big blue"...............

I think i'm gonna try out the navajo front grille and lights for a while and see if I like it. I'm gonna sand and paint the grille blue to match the truck and scotch brite the lights and give them a shot of clear to clean them up since they're pretty cloudy. I also HAVE to ditch the mazda emblem and throw on a ford oval. sorry to TRS poster RacinNdrummin for stealing the idea from him, but I rarely ever see a navajo in a PAP so I felt compelled to get the front end off it. I might not even stick with it anyway, I gotta see how it looks and throw up a poll in the "show off" section of the forum to get other people's imput. I also picked up the navajo bumper but i'm going to throw that onto "little blue".

just a small update, got a new set of wheels a few months back and finally got them mounted on my swampers. I also made a few other purchases for the truck....



upcoming mods:
Diy4x 7/8" ez bricks for my 63" chevy leaves

6" skyjacker front lift

waiting on daystar poly bushings for the 63"s and shock tabs from ballistic fab. I still need to get longer rear shocks and some brake parts and everything will be ready to go in.

...Looking good...:biggthump

...What ever happened to the Navajo grill idea??

...Looking good...:biggthump

...What ever happened to the Navajo grill idea??

it didnt really fit with the rest of the truck so I took it back, I used the bumper on my sport. I'm gonna paint match an explorer grille and put it on the truck.
