92 explorer 2 door stereo - amp or no? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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92 explorer 2 door stereo - amp or no?


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November 4, 2012
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1992 explorer 2 door
So I've read online about some explorers coming with a factory amp..what I haven't been able to find is whether or not they come in the 2 door models as well. I tried looking in through the seat belt slot on the back right side but its so dusty dirty in there in not sure what I'm seeing. Does anyone know whether this model even has the amp or not? Its a complete stock explorer nothing has been changed at all.

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I have a 94 2 door. It came with no amp. Best way to tell is pull your stereo and see what you have for wiring coming off the back.

My 91 Navajo lx had What appeared to be an Amp in the back passenger side rear , It had wires going into it but the harness coming out was not plugged in , I only use the factory power wires from the Harness so no need for the amp in there , I removed it

My 2 sports had a amp. What's your radio look like? Is it stock? Does it have DNR on the cassette door? If so it should have an amp.
You can always take the passenger cargo panel off & look in there & see. The amp will be obvious. You don't need to take the panel all off, just enough to roll it back some to see behind it.

The 2 doors with premium systems came with amps, same as the 4 doors.

If it has the cassette player with DNR on the cassette door, or the CD player, it's usually a premium system with the amp. Of course, if it has a subwoofer, it's got two amps, one for the speakers and one for the sub.

You can look through the seatbelt hole in the passenger side rear panel with a flashlight to check for an amp as well. If you see a silver heatsink with fins, there you go. If it's just empty space, no amp.

In some ways not having the amp is better, or at least makes for an easier stereo replacement, since the wires just run from the stereo to the speakers. With the premium systems, due to the amplifier, you need to bypass it, or you can put in an aftermarket amp in the factory location to use the same wires.

it depends on if you have the premium sound system or not, i forgot exactly how, but you can tell by the factory markings on the front of the factory head unit.


This is what I added to my sport. I cut in a larger hole to accomodate an 8" sub. It worked well but I like my new set up more.

is there anyway to use just the amp and sub with an aftermarket head unit?

Yes. You go and buy a harness adapter for the head unit. then it all works fine together.

i have the harnes adapter, the amp works, its a bit staticy at times, but the sub wont go. could this be because i got the harness with the bypass bit and just didnt use it?

is there anyway to use just the amp and sub with an aftermarket head unit?

i have the harnes adapter, the amp works, its a bit staticy at times, but the sub wont go. could this be because i got the harness with the bypass bit and just didnt use it?

Don't know what year Ex you have? :dunno:

Check out this sticky from the Explorer Audio & Navigation Sub Forum: http://www.explorerforum.com/forums/showthread.php?t=154055

Good luck. :biggthump

its a 93 limited with the premium sound. i read that. tried a few things, just ended up breaking things, one post said the wires are the same color they are coming out of the amp, mine are red and yellow. after opening up the sleeve with all the speaker wires in it to find no red or yellow wires. dang it bobby.

its a 93 limited with the premium sound. i read that. tried a few things, just ended up breaking things, one post said the wires are the same color they are coming out of the amp, mine are red and yellow. after opening up the sleeve with all the speaker wires in it to find no red or yellow wires. dang it bobby.

Yeah, that write-up is for the '98. I see now that you have a 1st Gen. Have you tried going to www.the12volt.com to see if they have a wiring diagram for your system? Also try www.autozone.com. They have diagrams as well. Click on "Repair Help" on the home page.

Good luck with the fix. :D:thumbsup:

Thanks BigRondo, And Sorry Everyone Else For Stealing This Guys Thread.
sadly, 12volt only covers the basic stereo, and autozone does not even touch baswe on anything stereo related. tried using the speaker wire colores from 12volt, and see what wires i had that that diagram didnt. turns out the speaker wires are entirely different colors. **sigh**

hate to be that guy, but nothing is helping lol. that wiring diagram kinda helps but its such a low res pic.

is there a possibility that the input for the sub amp is generated from the other amp?

Yes the sub signal is generated form the first amp. If your not getting a signal check that the sub isn't blown. If you look up at the picture that I posted you can see the yellow wire is the positive and the red is the neg, grounded to chassis. The other plug into the silver amp is the signal in, and the remote turn on. There is a post on here some where that has the schematics for all the systems. I don't remember what the link was and I'm in a hurry right now.

Turns out my sub was actually blown, i cut the wires coming from the amp that go to the factory sub, spliced in some new speaker wire, and hooked it all up to my 15" L5. and there is plenty of thump. thanks everyone. :D

Turns out my sub was actually blown, i cut the wires coming from the amp that go to the factory sub, spliced in some new speaker wire, and hooked it all up to my 15" L5. and there is plenty of thump. thanks everyone. :D

Glad you got it sorted. :thumbsup:

Thanks for the update. :)

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That amp only produces 45 watts x 1 @ 4ohms. And the 4ch amp is also 45w x 4 @ 4ohms. Tho it is crossed over to something like 145hz I think. Not an extreamly powerful setup but with the right components it can sound pretty good. You can add a quality head unit, run only the high outputs. And replace the speakers with quality 4x6's and it will make your ears ring. But thats about the capacity of the wiring that comes in the rig.
