92 Explorer Sport 35k orig miles (possible rear main) | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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92 Explorer Sport 35k orig miles (possible rear main)


April 16, 2018
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1992 Explorer Sport
Hi Everyone,

I have 92 Explorer Sport that is show room condition with only 35k. I think I have a rear main issue again and had it done twice. I am the original owner and it was done once by Ford in the 90's and again in the 2008 by an independent shop.

I am trying to see if anyone knows why these things keep going or is there a better part or something that can prevent this. Gosh, it stinks having to have such a big job done and I get nervous because my paint is in pristine shape (orig paint).

I appreciate any tips anyone has done or had anyone do. Btw I posted this first in the modified section (my apologies did not realize that was where I was at). This vehicle is all stock other than a hood protector.


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Maybe it's not the rear main seal.

Valve cover on the right side can appear to be a main seal leak.

Also the oil galley plugs for the lifters can be a source for oil in (or appear to be "in" the bell housing)

You have an auto trans, which on these use a pilot bearing just like a standard trans, If the douchbag who replaced the rear main seal did not check this, a bad pilot bearing would cause premature failure of the main seal.

It will also cause premature failure of the front pump on the trans.

Thanks for the note FR-425; I will make a note of your suggestions. I am hoping to get it looked at within the next week. Supposed to rain in my area and get rid of the salt and this vehicle has not seen salt so trying to wait it out. Thanks for the suggestions.

Not much advice from me sorry, but oh my god your explorer is pristine!!

Thanks taking her to Ford dealer next week. I will ask about that pilot bearing. This is the 4th rear main since new. First time was 1995 at dealer, then 1998 with revised seal and tool I believe, then 2008 at a Tuffy with Felpro seal. Sadly I am not a mechanic like most of you and need someone with knowledge and TLC. I am just hoping they don’t scratch her but think there is less risk pulling trans

Here are some pics. My oil level stays full but I pull a small boat with it a few times per summer to fish with my Dad. The first oil pool is oct thru March. The second is so far in April.

I am nervous about the whole thing but know it will not get better. It sounds stupid but I love this truck and bought it new when I got out of high school and worked overtime while going to college. I guess like for all of us hard work makes you appreciate what we have in life.










Just out of curiosity anybody have an idea what an Explorer like mine is worth. I am not ready to sell yet but just curious what it’s really worth.

I can search all day and not find anything to benchmark against.

FR-425, I'm confused by something you posted. To my knowledge there is no pilot bearing on an automatic transmission equipped vehicle. The flexplate bolts to the end of the crankshaft and the torque converter bolts to the flexplate and indexes on the end of the crank where the pilot bearing would be. This makes the crankshaft, flexplate, and torque converter one unit that always rotates together. If I am wrong please let me know but this is the way it is for the 4 automatics I've worked on.

It can't be that part, cause it is new! Anyway I did not miss-install it either... All famous last words.
The only trick is having the right seal installer for some kind of assurance
of no come back.

No pilot bearing in an auto too.
I hope you get something for your baby too...

Tossing this out there, maybe it's not a rear main but rather the oil pan gasket? My 1991's hardened and shriveled up so there really was no gasket left, just the metal on metal. You have wet oil forward of the seam between the engine and trans. Sure, oil can be blown around when driving but I'd take a long look at the oil pan as well. It's a common issue and a real turd to replace, much like the rear main.

Thanks for the note. It is at a Ford dealer now. They pulled the trans and saw a metal sleeve was put in the rear seal years ago. This is my third time in 26 years getting addressed. The mechanic showed me how tight the sleeve is against the crank and is now thinking maybe pull engine, take off oil pan to get out and then put in the new rear main with a new sleeve, and also he would put on a NAPA oil pan gasket since a Ford part is no longer available. I won’t have any more info until Monday as the mechanic is out now till Monday. There is also a lot of silicone around the crank/oil pan that he pointed out I assume that independent shop I used in 2008 put on. I checked my records and a rear main was put on in 1995, then again in 1998 both by Ford dealers, then 2008 by a Tuffy shop and now again back at the dealer. I am just praying they can get my baby going again and running ok. It’s tough to see it with the trans out, and maybe now the engine too. Plus my labor bills are running up and I about maxed out money wise.

Any thoughts?

