93 xlt sas | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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93 xlt sas


Explorer Addict
July 11, 2002
Reaction score
City, State
Indianapolis, Indiana
Year, Model & Trim Level
1993 XLT
I don't post here much anymore but since I got my start here I thought i'd post up.

Got my explorer out of the garage finally. Still need to build a radius arm x-member, mount my winch, resolve a brake leak, and run rock lights/in cab winch controls. I currently have stock junk for the steering. I'll be replacing that with heims and DOM. Also need to make an e-brake provision. Either going to use electric line locks or build a driveline brake which will mount to the output of the x-fer case.
1978 9"
1979 D44
Custom 9" disk brake conversion w/ Oldsmobile Bravada calipers
5.13 gears
spooled rear
open front (planning on ARB)
3.5" eb springs
stock rear springs
35" BFG MT's

hand throttle
rock sliders which replace the stock rockers
Milemarker E-9000 winch


I kinda wish I could get it an inch or two lower...oh well :)


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Nice! Yeah we dont see you on here very much but I'm glad you're still hacking away on an RBV :)

haha been hacking for A LOOOONNNNGGG time!

I have an HO 302 basket case in the corner which I might rebuild for this. If not it's going to go in something else which hasn't been determined yet.

looks great man... keep it up..looks clean

The passenger side ra will get wristed. The cross member I need to build is for the ra mounts (stock 79) only, too keep them from folding in. The ra mounts are dropped two inches for a more horizontal arm. The RA drops also let me space the mounts out past the frame since i'm running a full width axle. Those drops are part of the tranny x-member as well so it's really one big unit. I don't have a pic of the this.

The way I built everything is I want to switch to an extended arm sometime in the future I can. Everything is bolt on (with massive backing plates) so i'm not locked into this setup.
