94 explorer keeps dying does anyone know why? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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94 explorer keeps dying does anyone know why?


New Member
January 8, 2006
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City, State
Manitou Beach, Mi
Year, Model & Trim Level
'94 Limited
My 94 explorer dies while driving. If you drive somewhere and shut it off say go in a store or whatever come out a few minutes later start it up you can get down the road a little ways and it will just quite. When you try to start it just cranks. if you let it sit for a few minutes it will start and then seems fine has been driving me crazy for awhile can't figure it out.
when it quits if you turn key to on position only the battery light comes on nothing else fuel pump does not pressure up or anything I can always tell when it will start because if I turn the key the rest of the lights light up and I can hear fuel pump.
Also I noticed if a reset computer it dosen't to it for a couple of weeks then it starts doing it again.
I have been going thru sensor by sensor but nothing has really shown to be bad.
Does anyone know why this could be?

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Stalling out?

yes the same thing happend to mine, i found that by changing the fuel relay with the air-cond relay ,which im not using any way that the problem was solved. so if you are not using your air-cond that is an option. or just go and buy a new fuel pump relay.

Could also be a bad connection at the terminal of your battery. Check your cables. Sometimes they are corroded so bad that it lose its connection with the battery. If the cables are still factory then it may be worth a shot.

Thanks I'll try changing fuel pump relay and the battery cables see if that does it. Battery cables are originals and could use a change.

Check the crankshaft position sensor, I know a few people who have had this issue (on other vehicles) and this was the cause. Good Luck with it

Hi My 94 explorer is acting excatly the same way....won't start if the check engine light is not on....craps out suddenly....what was the outcome of yours? How did you fix it? I am getting to not trust the ex and that's not good

The fact that the CEL doesn't come on before starting suggests that the main computer isn't getting power. The EEC relay feeds power to several components: computer, part of running the fuel pump, fuel injectors, and so forth and so on. I would suggest checking the EEC relay and associated wiring.

yeah on mine it was the eec relay and fuel pump relay. I think the relays are just old and starting to go. so I just replaced them and it fixed it

1994s are notorious for this. I had the same problem and so has everyone I know that has one. You probably have a bad battery cable. For whatever reason they corrode like crazy and usually inside where you can't tell.

Try tripping the solenoid on your starter with a wrench or screwdriver the next time it happens. If it will start that way (I'm almost positive it will) it is probably your cables. It's also good to keep a screwdriver or similar with you in the car so if it ever happens again you won't be stuck in the middle of nowhere.

My 94 Explorer was doing the same thing. It turned out the power relay was not working right and it would shut off the engine while I was driving. I would try to start the engine and it would not start right away. After a few minutes it would start again. Changed the power relay and its never happenned again.

I've had this problem on my 88 van a few times. One time it was a bad ground wire near the battery. Another time it was the computer, and fuel pump relay. Another time it was the relay socket's wiring, and another time it was a fusible link.
