95 Explorer Transmission swap from a 98 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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95 Explorer Transmission swap from a 98


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November 9, 2014
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replacing the transmission on a 95 explorer, found a 98 explorer but there are some subtle differences in the electrical department. Newer tranny has a VSS sensor on the output, old one does not.

Also where the manual shifter is on the case, the old plug is a 8 pin while the new tranny is looking for a 12 pin connection.

old tranny is P37G7 7006 BAR, trying to put in a P97GT 7006 BBR

Any one have experience with this?

Thanks, Chris

I couldn't tell you exactly, but the 95 is likely a 4R55E, while the 98 is likely a 5R55E (assuming you have a V6). I am pretty sure it's been done, but it's not a straight swap out. Computer and harness would have to be swapped, maybe the engine too.

This Explorer does have the V-6 4.0L Engine.

So to be more specific I'm referring to the Neutral safety switch P/N F5LP-7F293-AA

This is the switch on the old Tranny. Is there any harm taking the old switch and simply placing it onto the new transmission?
