'95 W/ 4R55E AWD and 4low Not working all the time | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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'95 W/ 4R55E AWD and 4low Not working all the time


New Member
May 3, 2004
Reaction score
City, State
Shoreview, MN
Year, Model & Trim Level
'95 Limited
A rebuilt 4R55E Just went in with new torque converter. I got it back and the 4wheel and 4Low light started flashing. 4wh then 4Low flashed about 3 times and then just goes black. So, I tried to put it into 4W and nothing went back to 2 and slowed down to a crawl and put it in again, nothing. Proceeeded to stop go to Neutral and place in Low nothing. This is all the turn switch electronic 4Wheel. Tried to figure it out for two days. Brought it back to my mechanic. Claims on the lift it goes in no problem. But driving it's only sometimes.

Trying to sell this vehicle and need it to operate correctly to try and at least get the money Iput in it for the rebuild and install.

Any help would be great. You can e-mail with ideas at berg66@comcast.net


