95ExplorerLtd's new B&A | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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95ExplorerLtd's new B&A

95ExplorerLtd's new B&A (PICS)

Well, I figured its about time to do a new before and after thread.

1995 Ford Explorer Limited
Factory options: Dead Link Removed

Current mods

BFGoodrich All Terrain TA KO's

K&N Filtercharger

Custom black and tan steering wheel

Hella/Rally neon yellow fogs

Uniden Pro 510XL CB
Magnetic roof mount antenna

Bosch Micro Edge wiper blades

Gold exhaust turndown tip, chrome slash cut square tip :P

2 MTX Thunder 6000 12" subs
Sealed custom made hatchback box
MTX Thunder 8000 12" sub
QLogic truck box
Phoenix Gold, GoldQuest, and Streetwires
AudioControl Epicenter Series 2

Currently ampless, with a possible addition of an Alpine 600W coming soon.

Currently using Pennzoil PureBase, but switching to Valvoline Max Life next change. Also been dumping way too much money into detailing stuff. Look for me on the Autopia board.

Future mods

My next mods hopefully will be new spark plugs. Been swayed away from Bosch and Splitfire and more towards Motorcraft or Autolite. Wires might follow.

New muffler, still not decided on brand. Want a deep throaty sound, but still a powerful, kind of loud tone.

Once the BFG's wear out (which will be a while) I'm hoping to get some 17" Cobra R's wrapped with another BFG tire.

Tint to match.


And thats about all for now. Keep checking back for new pics. Thanks for looking!


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You know, some dig. pics would look better. Maybe you should find somebody with a camera they don't need.


You made me do it Grant. HEHEHEHE


Well, Lee finally pulled through for me and I purchased his old digital camera, and I was lucky and it arrived Christmas Eve. Big thanks to Lee!!

Found a pic hosting site. Sony owns it, so maybe I wont wind up and have to pay to use it :) Here are some pics, and you can see the rest at http://photos.yahoo.com/grant_wendel

Here is a shot from behind...


An interior shot...


A closeup of the wheel...


The CB...


And of course, the subs :D


Thanks for looking!

No worries Grant, you can always resize the pics!

Your Ex looks great, your steering wheel looks sweet. How did you achieve that, did you paint it?

Mark Martin plate, that's classic (go Tony Stewart :smoke:)

Thanks Hartman! The stock leather-wrap steering wheel was in bad shape when we bought the X, the leather was sort of melting off. We took it to Ruxers and they said a new leather wrap wheel was like 400 dollars, or they could put on this black one for free. I guess they figured we would want to go ahead with the leather one so it would all match, but I like this black one a LOT better, it matches up everything in front, a black and tan theme. Its not as cushy as a leather one, but its a textured material, has grips on it. I'm glad we took the free one instead of dumping $400 more into it. For a STEERING WHEEL! :eek:

I was thinking about getting a plastic carbon fiber wrap from EExpress, but ouch, $100 is a bit much for it :eek:

Yeah, $100 does sound high just for something that wraps aorund the wheel. Some of those wraps like they have at AutoZone or Advance Auto. They dont look all that bad.

lookin good.. but one question: In the pic of your subs, I count three, but you list two MTX 12s.. ? :confused:

Sorry Matt, I didnt update the first post in the thread. At the time I only had two 6000's, but now I have an 8000 to go along with them. So theres 3 subs :p
