96 explorer 4x4 made a loud grinding scrèeching noise then lost power | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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96 explorer 4x4 made a loud grinding scrèeching noise then lost power


December 11, 2023
Reaction score
City, State
Annapolis maryland
Year, Model & Trim Level
96 explorer xlt 4.0
I was traveling down the road and all the sudden a loud grinding scraping noise started I pulled over thinking everything was fine and but then the truck wouldn't move so I had someone press the gas while I looked under it and the axle was spinning freely in the differential

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And upon further more the drive shaft is spinning freely in the differential make the dribding sound and putting 0 power down do I really have to replace the whole damb year cup I don't have nearly that much cash on hand and a son to feed
If I deciphered this correctly, when the vehicle is in drive the drive shaft spins freely and the vehicle goes nowhere? you are going to have to replace the rear differential and pinion gear. Though for budget, Id pull a whole rear axle at a junk yard and replace the whole assembly. its a good bit of work.

I'm sorry to hear that it has happened.

If I deciphered this correctly, when the vehicle is in drive the drive shaft spins freely and the vehicle goes nowhere? you are going to have to replace the rear differential and pinion gear. Though for budget, Id pull a whole rear axle at a junk yard and replace the whole assembly. its a good bit of work.

I'm sorry to hear that it has happened.
I was rather intoxicated when typing the original post I was traveling down that road and all the sudden a loud grinding scraping noise started I pulled over thinking everything was fine and but then the truck wouldn't move so I had someone press the gas while I looked under it and the axle was spinning freely in the differential

A ring and pinion on amazon is $125 (maybe $180 if you want bearings and stuff). It's kinda involved but not impossible to do yourself.

Ghetto option: remove the rear driveshaft, turn on 4wd, enjoy your FWD explorer.
Extra Ghetto option: turn on 4wd, turn up the radio, enjoy your FWD explorer.

Okay are you still intoxicated because you did not elaborate

$180 hahaha oh man you will still need seals fluid and brake parts at the very least
Before you buy anything you should remove the rear cover and have a look see

If we are correct in reading your post the rear driveshaft is spinning but the truck does not move = congrats you blew up a ford 8.8 axle. I would find one with same gear ratio and lower miles off Craigslist / Facebook or junk yard… refresh the brakes, install that sucker with new u bolts and fluid… blamo back in action

Okay are you still intoxicated because you did not elaborate

$180 hahaha oh man you will still need seals fluid and brake parts at the very least
Before you buy anything you should remove the rear cover and have a look see

If we are correct in reading your post the rear driveshaft is spinning but the truck does not move = congrats you blew up a ford 8.8 axle. I would find one with same gear ratio and lower miles off Craigslist / Facebook or junk yard… refresh the brakes, install that sucker with new u bolts and fluid… blamo back in action
I think he's saying he blew up his axle gears too. But wouldn't auto 4WD kick in then because the front and rear transfer case speed sensors disagree? Unless maybe 96 uses a ring gear mounted rear speed sensor or something.

96 vss is in the tailhousing

This could be a rwd 4.0 truck

Also control trac awd in 96 not as advanced as the later years and 96 v6 4wd would have a cad on the front diff so if the axle shaft is unlocked the awd power will go nowhere

My guess is his truck is rwd, because even drunk I would have driven home in fwd ;)

I was rather intoxicated when typing the original post I was traveling down that road and all the sudden a loud grinding scraping noise started I pulled over thinking everything was fine and but then the truck wouldn't move so I had someone press the gas while I looked under it and the axle was spinning freely in the differential
Have you crawled under the truck to look to see just what happened?

I wasn't far from home was easier to just pull it back then cause more damage at the time was more panicked about getting off the street and yes I crawled under the truck to see what was going on I pulled out of my driveway started heading down the road as soon as I did I got a loud grinding noise that was obviously not there before it honestly sounded like something was stuck under the truck it was loud and violent I pulled over crawled under the truck and nothing looked out of place but when I got back and put it in drive I had no power but a loud grinding so I got back out and looked under the truck and the passenger tap the gas the drive shaft spun fine bit the wheels didn't move the grinding sound seemed like it was coming from where the drive shaft bolts to the rear wouldn't that be the limited slip carrier bearing? And it is a 4wd 4.0 just for clarity

A ring and pinion on amazon is $125 (maybe $180 if you want bearings and stuff). It's kinda involved but not impossible to do yourself.

Ghetto option: remove the rear driveshaft, turn on 4wd, enjoy your FWD explorer.
Extra Ghetto option: turn on 4wd, turn up the radio, enjoy your FWD explorer.
Lmao this made me smile but I don't think that will work at highway speed or maybe momentarily until the transmission burns up or the transfer case explodes

Actually you can drive your 4wd in front wheel drive all you want, shouldn’t hurt it
It’s weird, but she’ll do it
Sometimes when you don’t have a rear driveshaft yet and you need to relocate the truck 20-30 Miles across town,
Lock the front hubs, stick her in 4wd and go
Works fine

You blew up a lot more then a limited slip or a carrier bearing for the truck to not move when the driveshaft spinning
My guess is you are missing teeth on your ring gear or the pinion gear exploded. Pull the rear cover and have a look

Actually you can drive your 4wd in front wheel drive all you want, shouldn’t hurt it
It’s weird, but she’ll do it
Sometimes when you don’t have a rear driveshaft yet and you need to relocate the truck 20-30 Miles across town,
Lock the front hubs, stick her in 4wd and go
Works fine

You blew up a lot more then a limited slip or a carrier bearing for the truck to not move when the driveshaft spinning
My guess is you are missing teeth on your ring gear or the pinion gear exploded. Pull the rear cover and have a look
96 is push button 4wd with cv axles no locking hub do you still agree? It's been freezing rain here for a few days and just had knee surgery in the next few days IL pull the cover and have a definitive look

Actually you can drive your 4wd in front wheel drive all you want, shouldn’t hurt it
It’s weird, but she’ll do it
Sometimes when you don’t have a rear driveshaft yet and you need to relocate the truck 20-30 Miles across town,
Lock the front hubs, stick her in 4wd and go
Works fine

You blew up a lot more then a limited slip or a carrier bearing for the truck to not move when the driveshaft spinning
My guess is you are missing teeth on your ring gear or the pinion gear exploded. Pull the rear cover and have a look
X2 stop guessing and pull the rear cover and have a look see what's going on. Besides that we want to see pictures of the said destruction. :)
