97 AWD Transfer Case Fluid | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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97 AWD Transfer Case Fluid


April 21, 2015
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Year, Model & Trim Level
1997 Mercury Mountaineer
Hello everyone

I have a 97 5.0L AWD Mountaineer 112.000 miles and I'm trying to figure out if the Motorcraft transfer case fluid is the correct fluid.It has Motorcraft Mercon V in it for about a month now.I just saw a video on Youtube were a Ford tech says not to use Mercon V in the transfer case as it could case it to explode.Well after looking around online I found that it has the Borg Warner 4404 AWD TC and is a torque on demand transfer case according to midwesttrans.com Well after reading the back of the Motorcraft TCF bottle it says do no use in torque on demand transfer cases wtf lol.So is it the correct fluid and will it hurt anything?. Same goes for using say Mobil 1 or whatever else that might cause an issue like Mercon V.



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I used Valvoline Full Synthetic Transfer Case Fluid. $7.99 at AutoZone. PN# 855459.
Meets all Ford OEM specs.

Nobody reads the manual anymore? Is Mercon.
Mercon was superseded by Mercon V, in automatic transmissions and transaxles. Ford has a TSB out that explains that: www.aa1car.com/library/ford_tsb_06144.pdf
There is no reason why Mercon V won't work inside the Central Differential that is our AWD (I refuse to call it Transfer Case because that is not a correct name), the datasheet is very similar with old Mercon.
The Limited Slip is a separate and sealed enclosure inside the differential enclosure.

The only issue that can happen is with sensible more thicker fluids (like regular gear fluid) - the temperature inside the case might increase, activating the LS gel - and true, that's not good, it will do nasty things to the drivetrain on pavement.
For all that is worth, I have Mercon V for years now in there.

BTW, there is no "Torque On Demand" in AWD, that's just plain ignorance.

I used Valvoline Full Synthetic Transfer Case Fluid. Meets all Ford OEM specs.
You don't have AWD, you have 4x4, that's a different animal. AWD calls for Mercon.

Mercon or Mercon V is fine.

Unlike a true transfer case with clutch packs, the fluid in the BW4404 is just a light lubricating oil. It doesn't serve as a hydraulic fluid (like in automatic transmissions) or a friction modifier.

Thanks for the replys.Looks like the Valvoline suggested meets the Motorcraft XL-12 which is the transfer case fluid part number.I already picked up two quarts of XL-12 so I guess I'll use it.Just confused on the torque on demand thing though.Also after looking around it appears that the transfer case fluid is basically Mercon just relabeled so people don't use it in their transmission.Seeing there is issues with using Mercon V not sure I would want to use something like Mobil 1 ATF that meets Mercon V as it might cause failure.Think I'll send Borg Warner an email and see what they say.

Well it looks like Mercon V has chemicals that will eat brass and copper.Which the 4404 does have brass or copper in it,so it's definitely coming out.

You don't have AWD, you have 4x4, that's a different animal. AWD calls for Mercon.

Well, ...yeah. Regardless, the Valvoline transfer case fluid will work just fine.

Thanks for the replys.Looks like the Valvoline suggested meets the Motorcraft XL-12 which is the transfer case fluid part number.
Did you bother to read the Owner Manual? It specifically says Mercon ATF.
Use anything else and... send the repair bill to whoever advised you to do so.
As for Mercon V "eating copper"... That would mean that it won't work in the transmission either (plenty of copper in the solenoid coils). I am call it an urban legend.
Well, ...yeah. Regardless, the Valvoline transfer case fluid will work just fine.
No, it won't in an AWD. I explained why a few posts above.

I'm sure the solenoids are probably sealed and don't have moving parts against them all the time.And yes it calls for Mercon and from what I've read the XL-12 is basically Mercon.Later models called for MercV but then changed it to XL-12.Plus the newer Motorcraft MercV bottles say don't use in transfer cases but the ones I got were the older black bottles and don't say that.Wonder if there's a TSB on it.If Ford is seeing failures with MercV in there then I'm gonna drain it out.

Well just found this after Mercon V is put in.Not sure if I would use anything that's Mercon V "compatible" in there.



Did you bother to read the Owner Manual? It specifically says Mercon ATF.
Use anything else and... send the repair bill to whoever advised you to do so.
As for Mercon V "eating copper"... That would mean that it won't work in the transmission either (plenty of copper in the solenoid coils). I am call it an urban legend.

No, it won't in an AWD. I explained why a few posts above.

Thanks, but Ford and Valvoline say it's ok.

Where exactly?

"Valvoline™ Multi-Vehicle Transfer Case Fluid
Meets the needs of transfer cases calling for XL-12, Auto Trak II and ATF fluids (Dex/Merc™, ATF +4®, etc)."

Ford Owners Manual:
Item Capacity Ford part name or equivalent Ford part number/Ford specification
Transfer case fluid 1.6 quarts (1.5L)^5 Motorcraft Transfer Case Fluid XL-12/—

^5 Service refill capacity is determined by filling the transfer case to the bottom of the filler hole with the vehicle on a level surface.

Ford Motorcraft XL-12 Transfer Case Fluid:


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That's not what my Owner Manual says. Or the TSB that have linked.


If you keep reading the first link page 2

The ford specification for the Transfer Case Fluid (XL-12) is ESP-M2C166-H, when you look at the MSDS. The Specification in the database it's "Automatic Transmission Fluid, Dexron®, Dexron® II/IIE Trade Name Mercon, Specification #ESP-M2C166-H ".

In 2009 Ford applied for permission to use ESP-M2C166-H (Formerly MERCON) as "Ford Transfer Case Fluid" and was approved.

So there you have it the Motorcraft Transfer case fluid XL-12 is Mercon just a different name now.

That's not what my Owner Manual says. Or the TSB that have linked.


Yes your transfer case takes XL-12.It is the old Mercon.

Someone should make a sticky so people looking for Mercon know that the Motorcraft transfer case fluid is Mercon.Or use fluid that says it's XL-12.

Someone should make a sticky so people looking for Mercon know that the Motorcraft transfer case fluid is Mercon.Or use fluid that says it's XL-12.
Can you provide a source for this information?
That's all I ask, I don't pull stuff out of my a**, I always show sources.
As far as I could find, that's NOT a fluid specified for our AWD, but more like the newer FWD based vehicles (with temporary engagement of rear axle when needed):

Motorcraft® Transfer Case Fluid
* For use in transfer cases driving front axles on all-wheel-drive (AWD) and 4x4 vehicles
* Not for use in automatic transmissions, manual transmissions, power take off units (PTU), fluid couplers or AWD vehicles equipped with a transaxle
* Premium-quality fluid for Ford, Lincoln and Mercury transfer cases
* Manufactured with high-viscosity index, premium-quality, hydroprocessed base oils and specially designed performance additives
* Provides increased protection against deposit, rust, corrosion and wear
* Maintains proper viscosity at extreme temperatures
* Recommended by Ford Motor Company
* Available in cases of 12 one-quart bottles

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Can you provide a source for this information?
That's all I ask, I don't pull stuff out of my a**, I always show sources.

Google ESP-M2C166-H

it was the specification for Mercon now it's used for "transfer case fluid" XL-12

Mercon V specification is XT-5-QM
license number M5040901
