97 AWD transfer case | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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97 AWD transfer case


December 23, 2010
Reaction score
City, State
Rock Hill, SC
Year, Model & Trim Level
97 Explorer V8 AWD
I have just found out that my transfer case is shot...when i finished putting new cv axles in and inspecting the gears in the front end...after i got everything buttoned back up i put the front driveshaft back in, and when i was tightening it up, the driveshaft turned, and the X was in park...so I took it off jackstands and drove it down the driveway....and the clunking was back, so my transfer case is shot. My question is...I know that i can do a transfer case swap out of an f150, but what year? and how will i go about wireing it up so i will have 4wd hi, 4wd lo, and 2wd hi? And input yall have would be a great help.

you want a 4406 transfer case. it is a manual one. there are several good threads on this. type in 4406 swap. if you have a body lift it will fit easier. if not you will need to bend and bang some of your undercarriage.

Ok, thank you for your response, i just have one more question, what driveshaft would i be able to use
