I guess this is where the fun starts...
So the tranny is in and filled up, starter is on, I uploaded the tune file from Bama Chips and I tried to start it but all I get is a click. I tried another battery that I know is good and same thing. I tapped on the starter, same thing. I'm wondering if the starter may have gone bad, even though the battery was disconnected the whole time, so i doubt that. I am kind of annoyed with this Matt guy at Bama Chips... when I was emailing him about what I wanted they usually got back to me within a day or 2, which is slow but acceptable. But now that I actually paid them and bought a tune, I emailed him a week and a half ago to confirm this tune removed the auto tranny stuff so I could get it to run and he still hasn't replied.
So I could start by taking off the starter and taking it to autozone to see if it's still good..
Otherwise does anybody know what might be preventing the computer from letting it start? The column shifter was left in the park position in case that matters.