'98 mountaineer v8 hp44 sas soa on 35's | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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'98 mountaineer v8 hp44 sas soa on 35's

Hi there. Last year I bought this $600 beauty.

This November i turned it into this beast.

Last spring i did the BW4406 transfer case swap to be done with the AWD poo.
Then i spent the summer collecting parts, narrowing the front axle and getting the gears set up.
The list.
Factory v8 212,000 miles on the clock.
'78 bronco HP dana 44 narrowed 6" completely rebuilt
Chromoly early bronco shaft's
Detroit locker front
4.56 gears
Custom long radius arms
Wild Horses 3.5" coil springs
Rancho rs 9000's F/R
Thunderbird calipers
Gen 1 explorer front shaft modified.
Inverted chevy tie rod ends, 1 1/2" tie rods
Bronco2 steering gear rebuilt and tapped for ram assist
BW4406 transfer case
Original 8.8 completely rebuilt during SOA
Welded center housing to axle tubes
64" chevy rear springs no overloads graphite paint
New True Trac rear
4.56 gears
Dutchman shafts
Solid 8.8 diff cover
1" longer boomerang shackles
Old 15" by 8.5" American Racing wheels
35" BFG Mud Terrain's
Expedition c/v rear shaft
Dakota Digital speed correction module
Much more to come!!!!
Build thread is here http://www.explorerforum.com/forums/showthread.php?t=412160
Some initial testing at my friends place.


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Beauty, how was putting the bronco steer box in and what year did you use. I thought I was going to do a first gen box but I've been reading that they don't fit v8s.

Beauty, how was putting the bronco steer box in and what year did you use. I thought I was going to do a first gen box but I've been reading that they don't fit v8s.

The steering box is from a '96 bronco 2. It would be the same as '80 to '96 full size. It is a tight squeeze but obviously it will fit. I had to trim the lower radiator hose and put on a rub plate to protect it. It also required an oil filter relocation kit. The steering shaft clears everything no problem.

The steering box is from a '96 bronco 2. It would be the same as '80 to '96 full size. It is a tight squeeze but obviously it will fit. I had to trim the lower radiator hose and put on a rub plate to protect it. It also required an oil filter relocation kit. The steering shaft clears everything no problem.

Sweet! Thanks, this might work well for me as I have a sloped body lift giving me 3inches of body height in the front including the radiator being located higher. Do you look into a jeep box at any point ?

Sweet! Thanks, this might work well for me as I have a sloped body lift giving me 3inches of body height in the front including the radiator being located higher. Do you look into a jeep box at any point ?

3" lift should make a big difference in that area. No i had the ford box and knew i could make it fit.

Do you have a custom steering shaft?

i cut the desired ends from both shafts and welded them together.

Ended up going with a Ford box a few months after your reply

The steering box is from a '96 bronco 2. It would be the same as '80 to '96 full size. It is a tight squeeze but obviously it will fit. I had to trim the lower radiator hose and put on a rub plate to protect it. It also required an oil filter relocation kit. The steering shaft clears everything no problem.

ended up rubbing through a rad hose so second one has protection on it now, heres a couple photos



