'99 Explorer XLT 4.0 SOHC | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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'99 Explorer XLT 4.0 SOHC


- When In Doubt, Redneck It Out -
Elite Explorer
February 21, 2021
Reaction score
City, State
Jacksonville, FL
Year, Model & Trim Level
'95 C1500
Really hate that I'm posting this, hated listing it on marketplace too. But Deathrow is still trying to be sold, 227k miles, as said, couple things could use being done, main thing being the timing chains, the idler pulley is showing its age, and the passenger side chain tensioner leaks oil causing the engine bay to smoke. But otherwise, truck is great, it still runs and drives, just not the happiest about it. Brand new 265/75R16 Nitto Ridge Grappler A/Ts with 16x8 pro comp steelies. A year old paint job (was done a little cheap due to available funds, but it works, still looks good, the plastics didnt enjoy it though and are peeling). If you've read my threads, you know most of the things I've done and how much I cared for this truck. Also the amount of personalization I did, which can be dealt with easily, hinting mostly at the green lights in the grille versus the normal vehicle orange or white. I'm asking about $2.7k, its obo, theres been a whole lot done to this truck already, plus it comes with all my projects for it and a bunch of spare parts like a whole new set of driled and slotted rotors, pads, brake fluid, rear glass hatch weather stripping, leaf springs for an f150 leaf swap, and more. Any questions are welcome, local pickup in the North Western area of Florida, Jacksonville in specific is where the truck is located. Can stop by about any day, just ask me and we can plan something! But I really could use it gone sooner than later.

If preferred, I can take out the green grille lights; longer it takes, may keep the lightbar too.

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Does it have 1 or 2 brake pedals? Manual or auto?

havent seen it in person, but i can say that demonmudder put lots of time into deathrow!!! and the 2.7 is well justified $, as there were many mods put into the rig, probably worth 2.7 themselves! (ie. roof basket, lund visor, long travel cv, rims, 32s, brush guard) etc. really hate to see this thing getting sold though :( hopefully it goes to someone in the EF family... wish i could buy it off ya, but FL is a bit far ;) does it come with skulls still?:D or were they all transferred to the rado

havent seen it in person, but i can say that demonmudder put lots of time into deathrow!!! and the 2.7 is well justified $, as there were many mods put into the rig, probably worth 2.7 themselves! (ie. roof basket, lund visor, long travel cv, rims, 32s, brush guard) etc. really hate to see this thing getting sold though :( hopefully it goes to someone in the EF family... wish i could buy it off ya, but FL is a bit far ;) does it come with skulls still?:D or were they all transferred to the rado
Yeah, the skull is on the Rado now, but I may throw it back on and get a new one since it looks small now 😂

I actually made a list of most of the receipts I could pull back up, it's over $6.5k put back into it, I couldn't find everything, like the receipts for the belt, alt, fuel filter, and some others, but as said, all within 2 years old, pretty much all of it has 20k or less miles on them.

Hey, it would a fun trip for ya to make!!! Sucks ya technically can't make the drive yourself yet, but if ya can find someone, feel free!! 😅

:D :D :D the skull adds +50 HP (just kiddin), and adds 500 to the price (also kiddin) ;) wou;dnt mind the trip, but i dont got the time, nor someone to take me all the way out to FL... wish i coudve seen and gone wheeling with deathrow :(

:D :D :D the skull adds +50 HP (just kiddin), and adds 500 to the price (also kiddin) ;) wou;dnt mind the trip, but i dont got the time, nor someone to take me all the way out to FL... wish i coudve seen and gone wheeling with deathrow :(
Pretty sure its expensive, especially thanks to gas these days, but there are companies to tow vehicles those distances, like people that move cross country and fly there, have the car towed there on a semi carrier and such. There are methods, but as said, not the cheapest I'm sure, sadly enough

Pretty sure its expensive, especially thanks to gas these days, but there are companies to tow vehicles those distances, like people that move cross country and fly there, have the car towed there on a semi carrier and such. There are methods, but as said, not the cheapest I'm sure, sadly enough
yeah, i priced it out real quick on uship, pretty sure i could bring it down but it was a shocker... if the cost of diesel goes up, everything goes up... groceries, shipping, everything :banghead:

yeah, i priced it out real quick on uship, pretty sure i could bring it down but it was a shocker... if the cost of diesel goes up, everything goes up... groceries, shipping, everything :banghead:
Sadly, yeah, yeah it does

Sadly, yeah, yeah it does
which equates to less fun, pricing goes up, shipping up, less parts i buy... though maybe its a good change 🤣

which equates to less fun, pricing goes up, shipping up, less parts i buy... though maybe its a good change 🤣
Buying less parts, wouldn't that be nice, I'd actually have some cash saved 😂

Buying less parts, wouldn't that be nice, I'd actually have some cash saved 😂
well ive been buying maintainence parts, gaskets, hubs, that kind of stuff. just less big stuff.... like leaves, roof basket, etc. other than local pickup stuff, havent bought nothin major for a while... so my savings are going up a bit... and now i see a X to part out for 500 on my local CL.... dang the internet really be danglin the carrot in front o me!

A parts truck though, wouldn't be a bad idea to have

but it runs and drives! i almost wanna put it back on the road...
Wouldn't be a bad idea, kind of hope someone does the same with mine since she is still running

hope deathrow goes to a good home! :D

also, just occured to me. the deathrow update log is the most replied to thread-ever! here on EF it seems! deathrow has a record!

also, just occured to me. the deathrow update log is the most replied to thread-ever! here on EF it seems! deathrow has a record!
Still pretty sure The Black Hole has me topped 😅

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One of my favorites
