99 Saleen XP8 for sale on Ebay | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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99 Saleen XP8 for sale on Ebay


Well-Known Member
March 24, 2002
Reaction score
City, State
Hollywood, Fl
Year, Model & Trim Level
99 EB V-8
Looks good. Check item #1874391737 or keyword search "Supercharged". Anyway someone more savy with computers can link it. Dom

P.S I spent less and mines faster:D

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i spend way less and mines faster too (at least its faster than the 8.8 0-60 they claim in their write-up) i don't think that truck is really that slow since it makes very close to the hp numbers mine does.

actually nevermind. how did yours cost less than that? Expo5.0 was 21,000 when i got her stock in january 99.

At least they got the specs right. The XP8 that was on there last week had 500 horses coming out of the stock saleen supercharged motor. :rolleyes: And it cost over $70K new. :rolleyes:

if itz a 99, and has a 3 year warranty.. how does it end 2003?

Originally posted by 98FordX24
At least they got the specs right. The XP8 that was on there last week had 500 horses coming out of the stock saleen supercharged motor. :rolleyes: And it cost over $70K new. :rolleyes:
that was some bs, lol. Did it ever sell, can't remember?

One reason I wanted to get a Saleen Explorer was so I could drop in a 347 and charger and all the extra goodies like x-box is doing and troll already has. That way, that sweet and aggressive look of the Saleen could be backed up with some mad power instead of the charged 5.0, I have the mag somewhere and it clocked 0-60 around 7.5 seconds, pathetic considering my neighbors 02' will run it at about 7.8 seconds.

Don't know where in the hell they got 8.8 for a stock NA 5.0 though:confused:, and he put that into his description even though his is supercharged, considering ours is faster than that and every mag has it below that.

expo5.0 I think you would beat it b/c the Saleen didn't trap near 14.9 at 92 mph which was your run, right?

alright, once and for all- until next summer my best run is a 15.3 i posted about a long time ago. I think that 14.9 run was x-box's with the 347 but with very little tuning and stock injectors etc.

i have a few tricks up my sleeve for next year and i already added the baumann and a new mas so i hope to run high 14s soon.
