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99 XLT B&A PA 3"BL

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Let me know. I can help you out in anyway. Just get the tires. :)

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i wonder how much it would cost to get those tear drop wheels from the junk yard. hhhmmmmm

not lifted yet..thebrushguard. will do so after returning from gilmer. got an idea...but will let u know after it is successful.

Well, guess what. i got my 33s sitting int the garage. gonna go clean it up cause it was sitting in someone's yard. put it on tomorrow..trim it... and then,...gilmer, her ei come.

Let me know if you need some help.

Swaks truck looks alot better now. He came over and we did some trim mods :)
What gives Michael? You normally have pics up right away.

good mornig. sorry... pics tonite. brian... this truck drives like a dream. detail pics tonite. i promise. hehe. lat nite.. well, had to go out in my inl laws 007 thunderbird.
alriggt, u know what they say, the anticipation is part of the game. lol.

Quit stalling Michael, after all that hard work we need to see some pics up with the 33's on it!

tonite tonite...i promise... first thing i do when i get home... si? esta bien, amogis y la amigas?

So where are the pics? Brad and I worked so hard on your explorer and you cant even post some pics? Darnit man..... :cool:

Now you got me wanting to see the pics real bad also. Come on lets see them.

okokok...here i am. and herer they are. computer acting up at the worst time. so here goes.

ops...wait... yahoo acting up

great..now everyone is asleep. hey people.. it is not even midnite yet. wake up...

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Looks good. I see you got a fullsize spare now. Good job....
