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A/C Question

August 6, 2015
Reaction score
Year, Model & Trim Level
1996 Explorer EB edition
Should the A/C compressor cycle on and off and on again on our 1996 4.0L like with so many other older domestic cars?

Ours doesn't, even with new A/C low and high pressure switch solenoids replaced...

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Should the A/C compressor cycle on and off and on again on our 1996 4.0L like with so many other older domestic cars?

Ours doesn't, even with new A/C low and high pressure switch solenoids replaced...

I responded to your other thread. Please don't submit multiple threads on the same subject.

I responded to your other thread. Please don't submit multiple threads on the same subject.
Hi there, I'm having the same problem, it turns on for 7 sec than off for 7 sec than on again, I checked the gas and it's good , so is it a solenoid? And if I replaced it will the gas scape ?
Thank you :)

Hi there, I'm having the same problem, it turns on for 7 sec than off for 7 sec than on again, I checked the gas and it's good , so is it a solenoid? And if I replaced it will the gas scape ?
Thank you :)

Is the amount of cooling produced adequate? As long as it is I wouldn't be too concerned about how many second the compressor stays on, as it will vary with outside temps and humidity. If the cooling is not cold enough you need to have the amount of refrigerant and system pressure checked using 2 gauges. Just using a single pressure gauge on the low side is not good enough. It may say the pressure is in the OK/GREEN range, but that's only half the story. Typically when the compressor cycles too quickly, the refrigerant level is too low, or too high The system has HI and LO pressure sensors/switches to stop the compressor from running if the system pressure is too high or to low. I would assume the HI pressure switch is what makes the compressor cycle, if it ran all the time the evaporator would freeze up.

Is the amount of cooling produced adequate? As long as it is I wouldn't be too concerned about how many second the compressor stays on, as it will vary with outside temps and humidity. If the cooling is not cold enough you need to have the amount of refrigerant and system pressure checked using 2 gauges. Just using a single pressure gauge on the low side is not good enough. It may say the pressure is in the OK/GREEN range, but that's only half the story. Typically when the compressor cycles too quickly, the refrigerant level is too low, or too high The system has HI and LO pressure sensors/switches to stop the compressor from running if the system pressure is too high or to low. I would assume the HI pressure switch is what makes the compressor cycle, if it ran all the time the evaporator would freeze up.

Thank you Koda2000
