A day on the trail. :) Many Pics | Page 6 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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A day on the trail. :) Many Pics

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Actual pic...

It was nice! The only problem with living near a base is you never know what is government and what is public... until you see the barrels :eek: then you know it's not public :)


  • IMGA0720.JPG
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Yeah, I assumed the pic was rotated a bit... ;)
I actually grew up on army bases too, (army brat)

It was nice! The only problem with living near a base is you never know what is government and what is public... until you see the barrels :eek: then you know it's not public :)

Are you down near Irvine? I lived there for a while, back in 2000, and used to pass the old base almost every day. Would be a great place to go trucking.

Did you custom make your suspension lift?
if not where did you get it

I got my springs from coilsprings.com, that was before I started building lift spacers for our explorers,
Feel free to click on the link in my signature for details on that.
The coilsprings were between 550-600 shipped incase you were wondering.

I went trail hunting today - nothing too exciting, but certainly not flat, and a few good mud puddles and a stream crossing. After 15 minutes, the Ex ended up covered in clay and mud!





I didn't try this one - but someone has!

further down south

Are you down near Irvine? I lived there for a while, back in 2000, and used to pass the old base almost every day. Would be a great place to go trucking.

That's El Toro, that would be great... This one is Pendlton, someone here took pics of the area near Las Pulgas - that, I think, is off limits.

hey roadbully ive been looking at all of your pics of you on the trails, and soon as i get the lift from you and the tires im headed up to NB. we got nothing but flat land here, and even if you dare go out on that land we got so many old A** people who call the cops every time.

luckly for me my grandparents live in upper wisconsin so there are places to go but thats 6 hours from my front door.

hey roadbully ive been looking at all of your pics of you on the trails, and soon as i get the lift from you and the tires im headed up to NB. we got nothing but flat land here, and even if you dare go out on that land we got so many old A** people who call the cops every time.

luckly for me my grandparents live in upper wisconsin so there are places to go but thats 6 hours from my front door.

Make sure to give me at least a week or two of notice, and I'll make sure we've got some camera/video guys along for the trail ride. :thumbsup:

Looks great, keep the pics coming :thumbsup: :thumbsup:

Not actually off road shots, but this will be the basis of my sealed airbox for (shallow) water crossing:


Snorkel arrived today. It's for a 75 series Landcruiser, so the angle to the windscreen is not great, but nothing a longer bracket won't fix. Just gotta get a 3" metal holesaw so I can cut a nice hole in the panel (man, I hope this works)!

That's great!
Keep us updated on the pics, I think i'm going to end up doing my rock sliders before my snorkel, but the snorkel will be this year. :thumbsup:

Use plenty of masking tape, maybe take a drive to a local panel shop just to avoid embarassement

By the way Jcuz, she looks awesome dude

Front fender is off, and one 4" hole cut in the outer skin of the inner panel (it's double skinned). The missus is crook so I've had to put a temporary (cardboard) panel on so she can go to the Dr in the morning while I cut the 3" hole in the actual fender, plus modify the pod box to accept the 3" pipe and block off the original airbox opening. Will get pics in the morning when it's not so dark.

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still waiting, its after 6 now man
p.s. WE hope the missus is ok
