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A different type of hydro-boost


Village Idiot
May 31, 1999
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Trenton, MI
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98 ExSport, '00 F-150

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Dunno. Haven't found that out yet... I hadn't thought of steam. I would think that if it was steam, it would have been quite painful to be standing in its jet-blast. (Hot!!)


Looks like steam to me. The you can see it condense on the camera lens. And right before it takes off you can see what looks to be a small amount of steam coming out.

The Greeks had that steam wheel thing that went around and around a few thousand years ago. Same principle if that car is steam.

rookieshooter said:
Looks like steam to me. The you can see it condense on the camera lens. And right before it takes off you can see what looks to be a small amount of steam coming out.
I think most water vapor mixture put under pressure will go to a gas state (that looks like steam) as soon as its released from the pressure and then recondense once it hits a solid surface (camera).

But that video is amazing, I wonder what pressure the vapor was under right before launch :D
