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A low from Alberta


February 17, 2014
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City, State
Edmonton Alberta
Year, Model & Trim Level
1988 Bronco II - 2WD
I'm the proud new owner of a 1988 Bronco II XL 2WD. I had been looking for a 1st Gen. Ranger short box regular cab, for a while, hard to find sound body without the regular Ranger rust. My search was for a project truck to work on with my kids, I was thinking RWD truck, and doing the 302 swap, keeping it a simple swap, something that won't break the bank and that we could take to the strip. I had been searching a couple of months when I stumbled on to this nice little 88 Bronco II. To be honest the "too short, top heavy, unstable etc…" thoughts were in my mind. I continued the Ranger search, as time passed the idea of a lowered Bronco got me thinking… smaller, and light with a mild 302 would be interesting. The Bronco would fit in the garage better. I knew the Ranger 302 swap was popular, and the Bronco II swap was also but on the 4X4's, a 2 wheel drive street Bronco would be something different. Different is good. I Bought the stock truck, 230K kms 2.9 lt 5 speed, with a sun roof. It had been sitting for some time I'm sure, bad gas, some issues with fuel, runs rough, in tank pump and sending unit was changed before me. Not to concerned on the engine as there is a swap planned. For now I'm trying to sort out the front end, as I want to use the DJM beams for the drop. ------> Maybe this is where the "A low…" turns in to a build thread…


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That's a great looking BII to start with:chug:



For street BroncoII's I like when people delete the rear windows and make it look likr a panel truck. Clean ride to start out with man.

Very nice. I don't think I've ever seen that color combo on a BII.

Very nice. I don't think I've ever seen that color combo on a BII.

I have but they were rusty pieces of crap, that one is super clean

Thanks for the welcomes. Now down to business. Weather is breaking so I'm getting excited to start the prep for the T-bird transplant. Kind of like the stork, bringing the V8.

As I am going to get the entire T-bird I will be able to pick everything I need out of it. That brings me to the EEC-IV, since they both have this ECC is it so easy as swapping the Unit it self and keeping the current wiring? To tell you the truth the wiring my greatest concern.

Thanks for the welcomes. Now down to business. Weather is breaking so I'm getting excited to start the prep for the T-bird transplant. Kind of like the stork, bringing the V8.

As I am going to get the entire T-bird I will be able to pick everything I need out of it. That brings me to the EEC-IV, since they both have this ECC is it so easy as swapping the Unit it self and keeping the current wiring? To tell you the truth the wiring my greatest concern.

i'd be pretty suprised if it was just plug and play, get the wiring diagrams for both and see what you have

On another forum there was a user that made mention that with a v8 swap, the 2.9 harness will run a 5.0 with 2 splice connections..... But I would like to know those 2 splices.

This is getting to be more than a welcome thread, I better start a swap thread I guess.

Okay, I can do that.
What are the thought's on a Lock Right in the 7.5, behind the 302?

Okay, I can do that.
What are the thought's on a Lock Right in the 7.5, behind the 302?

I think you might blow it up haha, 8.8 would be a significantly better option IMO

What is the weak part of the 7.5, the Richmond Lock-Right seems pretty darn stout. The 302 is an 85 T-bird, not really a powerhouse... yet.

the ring gear and axle shafts, and probably the carrier. It's a pretty small axle, you might be OK for a while, but at some point you are going to blow it up with v8 power.

I would say the carrier will be the first to let go, then maybe the axle shafts. The ring & pinion gears are actually fairly stout (the pinion gear shaft is the same size as the 8.8's if i recall right).

Nice (very) clean truck though. Looks like it's been garaged most it's life.

Went with the 7.5, (not installed, but in my stock) now I have 2, the stock and the 2001 from a Ranger. The plus was the bigger drums, the width still works for my tire/rim choice (pic below) and the ratio is 3.73 vs the 3.45 stock. I'm looking into girdle, this should help the little guy a bit. The T-Bird I think has a 3.08. I could have 2 back up carriers if I get ambitious on the Bird.

Just put some new rubber on the B2, old school BFG Radial T/A running stager 225/255 on 15X8 with 0 offset. They are not stock rims even though ford had similar. I picked them up used during the winter, was storing them but now it is easier to store the stockers. When the "low" comes, the backs maybe a bit wide to go as low as I would like, but the rake should be sweet.


The wiring diagrams came in the mail the other day, wholly crap all those bloody lines....... Bought both the Bird and the B2 set, now I can get going on the pull as I can mark the plugs. This is when it gets interesting... cause it has to go back together, only different!

6 Out wait for Eight...

Well, finally some reportable progress. pulled the engine, transmission and transfer case (2WD Transfer case - odd Mr Ford, very odd) It was touch and go there for a bit on whether the lift had enough reach. I started with the arm at mid-length but some realized I would need full reach. After dropping the trans mission cross member inn one side I was able to extract it as a unit. It has been years since I had done this, it was fun. The first thing that came to mind as I was lowering the anchor,was that this was the easy part... wait for the install.


Next step, pretty up the engine bay with Tremclad and a brush... What the hack, The hood will be closed most of the time if all goes well.

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Engine bay paint done, nothing special just some basic black and white.



it turned out not bad, used Tremclad (Rustoleum) and a brush. I was not going to mask every thing off to spray, felt I had better control of the brush than overspray. this was not to be anything close to frame off approach, more of a how far can I reach approach.

The donor car arrived this past Saturday, 1985 T-Bird 5.0 and AOD. Car has been in the family for a while so the history is known. Mileage 145000 KM, seem to have some life left. It is an early EFI set up, throttle body type, Ford CFI.


There is a Mustang HO EFI set up on the shelf however, just waiting to come out, need the 1989 EEC first. The plan is to get he motor over and drive this baby, then go to the next steps, more power and stability . . . lower centre of gravity.

Low? How low? Not bagged, just drop Dream beams and a flip in the rear and bushings. once the beams are in I will see if I can go lowing springs too. but that is later. The tire clearance may be an issue in the rear based on the rim and rubber combo, I don't want to pull the fenders. I have all the stuff, the V8 running a driving is first priority!

Here is a question for y'all regarding the Dream Beams. These are for the Ranger 2WD, (who new that Ford would use a 4WD Crossmember:annoyed:, goes along with the T-Case I guess) and some modification needs to be done on the axle pivot for the passenger side beam, as the mount point is different than the 2WD Ranger, any one tackle this before? The drivers beam pivot bracket will be changed to the Ranger 2WD version (shorter and not as vertical). This seems to be the bigger puzzle regarding the drop.

Thanks for following and the comments.
