A4LD Center Support | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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A4LD Center Support


February 28, 2002
Reaction score
City, State
Fairfax, VA
Year, Model & Trim Level
1993 Limited 4x4
Just put truck in shop for tranny slipping, they found that the center support is dead. With 500 miles left on waranty too! *whew* They want to replace the tranny rather then fix it..I was just wondering what the center support does and wondered if anyone had any insight into why they want to replace the entire transmission, rather then repair it. (I'd rather have the waranty buy the new transmission, of course!)

Ford Certified Technician

At the dealer we have a cap on how much a trans repair can cost, if it exceeds a specific limit (each is different depending on the trans) you must install a Ford FQR. It's a way for Ford to save money on the overhaul time. I am thinking he must of found more damage than just the center support to be replacing the entire unit.:cool:

if they want to put in a new one under warranty, let them :)
