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A4LD Transmission overhaul.





After 4 Hours of scrubbing, sanding, Painting (by the way it is dark red, not orange. it will match the suspension I plan to get next fall)


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The next thing will be the insides...

I have it disassembled into separate assemblies. Tomorrow I plan to do the VB, Gears, and Clutch packs.

I am following the Bullet-Proof Re-Build, and ATSG Book. What else should I know? what areas to watch? any tricks? do I need to use C-Clamps, or can I just compress the springs with a roll of tape or similar item?

Also how do I tell if Bands are good, or need replacing?

It's better to replace the bands for the amount that they cost instead of reusing them. An old band could break, and then you would have to open it up again to replace them. Find a local torque converter rebuilder. You could get a rebuilt torque converter for about $75 with a good core. They might not accept your core, so expect to pay whatever the cost of the core may be. You need a clutch pack spring compressor tool.

It's better to replace the bands for the amount that they cost instead of reusing them. An old band could break, and then you would have to open it up again to replace them. Find a local torque converter rebuilder. You could get a rebuilt torque converter for about $75 with a good core. They might not accept your core, so expect to pay whatever the cost of the core may be. You need a clutch pack spring compressor tool.

2nd on the bands, they are a common failure item on these transmissions. A broken band = rebuild. Make sure they are set properly with a torque wrench.

Did most of the overhaul. pretty straight forward, and internet has been down...

now a new, (and hopefully last problem)

I labeled, sorted, kept separate, and did everything properly with the insides of the tranny.

on the outside I just put everything in one box while taking it off of the car, thinking it would easily go back together...

now I'm slightly stuck and need info on specific outer assemblies. any good sources? I will also be posting specific questions and pics in the next hour. Any one that can help by confirming what things are please do so. any help is appreciated.



Three end housing bolts on each side, two have threads on the ends too for nuts.

where do these two go? top, middle, bottom, other? what do the nuts hold?

A is for the heat shield? does anything else go here?

B? what goes here?

also there is a vertical hole above b, towards the endhousing. what goes there?

c is for the vent, this one I know


D is on the bell housing. it is not a through hole, does something go here?

E and G are for part of shift linkage.

what goes at F, I, J?

same question here about endhousing bolts.



1 and 2 are for the frame cross support.
3 are nuts for TC, I will be replacing
4, 5, 7, 8 are different nuts. 4 I think go on endhousing bolts, 5 on a starter bolt.
6 is a washer

9 and 10 I think go to the frame cross support and the mount. 15 is the mount and bolts for it.

11, 12, 13, 14 are bolts, where do they go?

16, 17 are starter/engine bolts.

anyone that can identify 6,7,8,11,12,13,14? any help is appreciated

I think, Z is shift stuff, X holds the transfer case breather tube. where do they mount?

W is the breather tube for the tranny, where does it mount?

T is the heat shield. are V, U, Y broken supports? I will not be re-using this one
is Y a tag?

sorry for the late reply.

switched jobs, and moved in the meantime

the last thing: New Vacuum modulator and rod work great. Transmission re-build was a success.

thanks everyone for the replies!

The hardest part of re-build was getting parts and getting the thing out of the car.
I found a 1$ genuine ford part: vacuum modulator rod kit!

My cost was about $400 for parts, tools, and supplies. I did not need many hard parts. it took about 2 weeks to get parts and get the thing off of the car. It about 10 hours to do the actual overhaul since I had never done it before.

anyone that has questions feel free to pm, I've seen the insides a few times now and might be able to help.

thanks to explorerforums and everyone here for the help.

The Ford part number is F E5TZ-7A380-B
It is a 1 3/8" pin or rod. (one and three eighths inch)

It was also recommended by a local shop that you could make one with a coat hanger or nail, just make sure to smooth the edges very well. the diameter does not have to be exact just the length.

when calling ford store one did not have it, but said that another did. Store two said that they did not have it and it was discontinued in 1993.
store one again confirmed that store two had it. Store two continued to deny having it.

Store one called store two. Store two found a part but, "I don't see it registered to your vehicle. It doesn't show that it goes to your vehicle."

what vehicle does it go to then?
"we don't show it registered to your vehicle. my system does not show me anything, but it must go to some type of vehicle. It is not for your vehicle and I don't think that it will work, but we have two in stock."

Lesson, call around, find a good store.
