a4ld valve body ?'s | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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a4ld valve body ?'s


Well-Known Member
May 17, 2009
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Pleasantville, iowa
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1994 4-door xlt 4x4
i was just changing the valve body gasket cuz i noticed it was worn and what not and one of the small "L" hooks fell out does anyone have a picture of the valve body for the a4ld with all the small "L" hoops and stops in place and visible?

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theres a sticky at the top of this forum-----a4ld valve body rebuild. scroll through till u see wut u need

yes, the stickys at the top of this section are the best that I've found !!


J...trying to avoid work !

me too. gave me the confidence to do this myself.

i've actually searched the stickys b4 i posted this and i can not find a picture of even a description of where exactly all the "L" keepers are located on the valve body... i was removing the gasket and one popped out so i cant even go off memory on that i have no problem doing the work or the research but i cant find what i need thus i asked for the additional help via this thread. the stickys are actually what gave me the thought at confidence to actually tear into it and at least check it out lol

i have the instructions from my trans kit, shows everything!!! need ur fax number and i can send it.

actually, go to the a4ld vb rebuild diary sticky at the top of the page, on page 1 it shows a pic of the instructions. look closely and around the perimeter of the vb drawing you will see little circles with an x inside. that is where the L keepers go. if you need a better pic let me know i will fax.

actually, go to the a4ld vb rebuild diary sticky at the top of the page, on page 1 it shows a pic of the instructions. look closely and around the perimeter of the vb drawing you will see little circles with an x inside. that is where the L keepers go. if you need a better pic let me know i will fax.

better pic is needed lol when would be a good time for you to fax a copy to me

whchever number u just used is the right one hahaha now lets just see if this fax machine works and recieves like its supposed to sinc enothing else is going right hahaha

yay it worked thanks again for being patient this will get what i need done...and like i said sorry for the confusion and wrong numbers and what not hahahaha and thanks a bunch for working with me and helping me here...even tho it was such a pain LOL! and could u PM back which number u used for sure (since i sent ya how many) so i can werite it on the damn thing lol

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