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a4ld valve body ?'s

i read that sticky like 4 times before i did this. brooklynbay knows his ****, im blown away by his knowledge.

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it should be stuck through the metal seperator plate that you took off with the 3 torx bolts?

a small plastic filter...i missed that i think...idr it anyway...maybe a pic or a link to refresh the memory

i found the kit lol im looking online for maybe an online store that will ship since davenport is quite a ways away from me lol and i found it for 24.20 lol plus hwtaever shipping is lol

you might not have it,ive been told it was a tsb put out by ford. the dealer should have it.

it should be stuck through the metal seperator plate that you took off with the 3 torx bolts?

ah ha so it would be stuck to the plate still lol could be why i missed it lol and yes i've read the sticky like everyday for the last 4 days debating on my knowledge of it to do it or not..and he seems to know his stuff quite well THANKS BROOKLYNBAY for the exceptional sticky!!

i started a thread called a4ld problems!!!. you can see what i went through.

the transgo kit looks like it will solve alot of the problems with the a4. i took mine apart and cleaned it today, gonna put back together in the morning.

the transgo kit looks like it will solve alot of the problems with the a4. i took mine apart and cleaned it today, gonna put back together in the morning.

bear with me as i am getting tired lol...but what exactly did u mena by TSB? its not clicking to me right now lol

did you adjust bands yet?

no i have not lol basically i dropped it cuz i knew i needed a new torque converter and the VB stuff was kinda a ahhh well what the hell kinda thing lol im new at this and kinda learning as i go...of course after plenty of research and reading of these stickies lol

technical service bulletin- note to ford mechanics informing them of a change in parts or procedures

technical service bulletin- note to ford mechanics informing them of a change in parts or procedures

lol i so knew that god what happens to ur brain when u run on 2 hours of sleep hahaha between baby sitting and this tranny work im exhausted well im off here for tonight and if you could fax those other sheets that would be greatly appreciated in teh morning or sometime tomorrow thansk a bunch guys

me too bro. i know nothing about trans. read stickies asked brook lots of questions. tore into it today, its starting to make sense to me, just fluid movement. cant wait to rebuild the whole thing. only part of a car ive never worked on. cant afford to have a shop do it. they all told me it was clutches.......must have been there best guess! this is the best way to learn i think.

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