ABS Problems | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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ABS Problems


June 14, 2007
Reaction score
City, State
Rochester NY
Year, Model & Trim Level
2000 Explorer XLT
I have a stock 2000 Explorer 4.0L 4WD. Recently I have been noticing that when I attempt to come to a stop somewhere between 5-15mph, I get an ABS shake in the break pedal. Does not happen when I come to a fast stop only slow. I can feel the pedal pulsate against my foot. If I push very hard it will come to a stop. Within the last year I have replaced the pads, rotors and calipers. I have no leaks in the system, master cyl looks good, no leaks, no line leaks.

This morning I took out the ABS fuse and now it works perfectly. I'm think it might be a wheel speed sensor, but I don't know what ones to start with.

Any suggestions?


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I noticed something similar on my 01 Sport. I'm curious to hear what others may suggest.

My 00 was doing this and I went to price wheel sensors to find that they were incorperated into the bearings. All at a cost of $400 each. My solution was to disconnect the ABS and remove the light in the dashboard.

Are you certain it's the ABS? Do you hear the ABS motor? Any warning lights before or during this episode?

no warning lights. I have one now that I pulled the fuse

I found out yesterday that the speed sensors in the front are part of the bearing assembly on my truck. I'm going to look into what it's going to take to repair them

Any updates on this issue ? I`m going through the same thing, no ABS light either.

It must be a WNY thing, my wife's 2002 Explorer Sport is doing the same thing. Replaced the module and still no luck.

...eagerly waiting someone to figure it out!!

This has been noted a few times here on the board. It could be the rear sensor or the fronts which are built into the hubs. Rear sensor is about $20 and very easy to change. If it pulls to one side or the other that narrows it down to the affected front hub. If it doesn't pull do the rear first. I just replaced both of my fronts at $160 each. I figured at 140k it wasn't a bad idea anyway. I also found when I had the hubs off that the cv axles were toast. Those were cheap and easy to replace while it's taken apart.

abs sensor

i have the same problem with my explorer. A friend of mine brought an obd code machine and we determined that below 15 mph the speed sensors read 158 mph. if anyone has any more suggestions based on that please let me know.
